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Water covers 71% of the Earth's surface and is vital to all known forms of life. Access to safe drinking water has improved over the last century, but more than one billion people still lack access to clean, safe water. Some estimate that by 2025 more than half the world's population will be facing "water-based vulnerability".
Of course, not all water is the same. Municipal water (tapwater) varies greatly in its purity, chemical constitution, pH, and molecular qualities. Bottled waters (filtered, distilled, spring, and other) also vary greatly in their properties. Much debate exists as to the best drinking water and various purification systems.
This page discusses unique, recently-discovered properties of water which allow for better cellular hydration, information transport, and detoxification.

Science teaches that a water molecule (H20) is not linear, but rather, polar, with an electrical dipole moment: the oxygen atom carries a slight negative charge, whereas the hydrogen atoms are slightly positive.
Water, however, is not just comprised of H20 molecules. Instead, water contains a number of molecular species including ortho-water and para-water molecules, water molecules with different isotopic compositions such as HDO and H218O, weakly-bound but partially-covalently linked molecular clusters containing one, two, three or four hydrogen bonds, and hydrogen ion and hydroxide ion species.
More than H2O

Structured water is a molecular arrangement that exists when water is near hydrophilic surfaces. Much like ice, water molecules join in hexagonally-structured single layer sheets. Unlike ice, however, the sheets are flexible and move independently as they are not glued together by protons. Most of the water found in the human body is structured water, as bodily tissues are hydrophilic.
In nature, there is a vortex process that occurs naturally as water runs downhill over stones and boulders, drops into ravines and down waterfalls, or collides with other currents, streams and rivers. This vortex gives a “structure” to the hydrogen bonds of water.
The vibrational movement of water as it bumps over boulders and waterfalls encourages the water molecule groups to break apart into small, highly active clusters, creating health-giving water. Within this vortex process, some water molecules dissociate into hydrogen and oxygen. This newly-created oxygen mixes uniformly with any oxygen already dissolved in the water. As oxygen itself is a hydrophilic element, hexagonal sheets of structured water grow outward from the oxygen, layer by layer.
Since vortexing (a kind of mechanical perturbation or agitation) is a very powerful way of increasing structure, there are devices on the market which vortex water. Vortexed water is "soft," has low surface tension, and exhibits small clusters of hydrogen-oxygen molecules.
Structured Water

Gerald Pollack
Professor Gerald Pollack has extensively studied the properties of water in his laboratory at the University of Washington. In his latest book The Fourth Phase of Water (published 2013), Dr. Pollack contends that water exists in four forms: solid (ice), EZ (“exclusion zone” - structured water), liquid, and gas.
This additional EZ phase is not H20 - if one were to count the number of hydrogen and oxygen atoms, one would realize it is, in fact, H302. This structured water forms hexagonal (honeycomb) sheets very similar to ice or liquid crystalline.
The totality of structured water does not just include the hexagonal sheets of water molecules, but also the water immediately surrounding them. As the hexagonal layers grow, protons that had been stored in the water are ejected into the nearby water. This creates an electrical potential (voltage) between the structured water and the water surrounding it. In other words, structured water stores energy, much like a battery.
According to Dr. Pollack, structured water grows (charges) by absorbing radiant energy. Both light waves and infrared waves charge structured water with energy. Of course, this discovery carries great potential as it suggests water can be used as a source of free energy.
The Fourth Phase (between water & ice)
In his earlier 2001 book, Cells, Gels and the Engines of Life, Dr. Pollack explains how the cell functions.
Pollack’s research suggests that much of cell biology may be governed by a single unifying mechanism: the phase transition of water. Water is the carrier of the most important molecules of life, like proteins and DNA. Water is also central to every function of the cell - from cell division to muscle contractions and the conducting of nerves.
Dr. Pollack challenges many of the concepts that have been accepted in contemporary cell biology. The underlying premise of his book is that a cell’s cytoplasm is gel-like rather than an ordinary aqueous solution.
The key to Dr. Pollack's primary hypothesis lies in the properties of water.
The water in our cells is not like water in a glass, but rather, ordered similar to a crystal. Like ice, it excludes particles and solutes as it forms. The space formed is called an exclusion zone (EZ).
Differences in structured and non-structured water have been analyzed through a photographic crystallization technique known as Hagalis crystal analysis, developed by water researcher and author Andreas Schulz. This analysis demonstrates that the crystal angles in unstructured water are at 90 degrees (left below), and change to 60/120 degrees when structured (right below) forming intricately shaped crystals.
Hagalis Crystal Analysis

Neutral Sample (magnified 400x)
Structured Sample (magnified 400x)
In his book Water Crystals, Andreas Schulz uses a groundbreaking photographic process to beautifully illustrate the varying quality of different types of water - be it mountain spring water vs. city water vs. water from an old well.
The human body more readily absorbs structured water. This structure is lost when water is stagnant, stands too long in a water reservoir or tank, or travels more than 300 feet in a man-made pipe. (Water is affected by whether it flows freely or is channeled through straight pipes.)
The natural arrangement of structured water is also destroyed by unnatural processing (treatment with chemical additives, filtering, radiation) and transport (high pressure, long distances). In other words, most city water has high surface tension, large clusters and is acidic. This makes it difficult to absorb the water at the cellular level.
We are told to drink half our body weight in ounces of water daily - but the real question is: can our body adequately hydrate with the (unstructured) water we drink?
The Hagalis Institute in Switzerland is considered a pioneer in water research. Its crystal analyses represent one of the most informative methods of determining overall water quality.

Tap water from Paris
"True Spring" water
Water Memory
Water is capable of “remembering” what it comes into contact with and holds that information in an electromagnetic imprint. The structured crystalline quality of water allows it to store information, much like a computer chip.
One of the earliest pioneers in water memory was the reknowned immunologist Jacques Benveniste. Unfortunately, Dr. Benveniste met with harsh criticism in 1988, when he published a paper in the journal Nature describing the action of very high dilutions of anti-IgE antibody on the degranulation of human basophils. His findings were based on the concept of water memory and supported the concept of homeopathy. Biologists were puzzled by Benveniste's results, as only molecules of water, and no molecules of the original antibody, remained in these high dilutions. Benveniste concluded that the configuration of molecules in water was biologically active; a journalist dubbed this hypothesis "water memory".
In the 1990s, Benveniste also asserted that this “memory” could be digitized, transmitted, and reinserted into another sample of water, which would then contain the same active qualities as the first sample.
Nobel Prize laureate Prof. Luc Montagnier later took interest in Benveniste’s water memory theory. According to Montagnier, water has the ability to reproduce the properties of any substance it once contained. Montagnier discovered that certain bacterial and viral DNA sequences dissolved in water cause electromagnetic signals to be emitted at high dilutions. Recent results from Montagnier's lab appear to show that the DNA sequence itself can be reconstituted from the electromagnetic signal.

Water as a carrier for information and a basis of colloidal systems
Water is capable of taking up information and then passing it on. In principle, from a purely scientific point of view, we cannot exclude the possibility of storing information in water. Exactly which physical events occur during the process is largely unknown. There are, however, some physically plausible abstract models.
It is probable that information is taken up by means of a dynamic change in the water structure. This could occur, for example, in the form of vibrations within molecular chains. Here the specific surface area of the water plays an important role. According to Resch and Gutman, it is the molecules on the phase boundaries, which are especially important in the take-up of information. An illustration of this is the agitation process used in the manufacture of homeopathic preparations. The very large surface area so produced between the air, the solute and the solvent facilitate the transfer of information to solute to solvent.
The ability of water to take up information is of special importance to living organisms. On the one hand, water acts as an information carrier in the organism itself, and on the other, vital information from outside can be integrated into the metabolic process using water as agent.
The ability for water to “remember” also highlights a difficulty in the processing of our drinking water, which has gone unheeded up to now. Pollutants leave behind traces in water even after they have been removed. This pollutant information can be shown in thoroughly cleaned water, which has previously been severely polluted, and this is true even for distilled water! This sort of information held in our drinking water can produce negative effects on metabolism.
It is common knowledge that the metabolic processes of all living organisms are based on colloidal solutions, importable examples of which are blood, lymphatic fluids, plant saps etc. Disturbances of the colloidal state leads to metabolic disturbances. For example, if the colloidal state of blood is upset, signs of degeneration and corresponding symptoms of disease will accompany it. It is also possible to gauge the health of a living organism by observing the colloidal state of its constituent parts.
In the colloidal state the effects of gravity are compensated for through counter forces, so that the dissolved colloidal particles remain floating in solution and do not precipitate out.
An important factor for the stability of a colloidal system from the point of view of the particles dissolved in it, is the most extensive possible ordering of the water structure. This ordering occurs by means of the spread of the substance-specific information, which is passed on to the water by the substance dissolved in the colloidal. This ordering produces a mediating bridge between solid and liquid. The construction of such an ordering corresponds to the spread of information. The stability of colloidal solutions is directly related to water structure. A colloidal system is characterized in the first instance by an especially far-reaching interaction between the dissolved colloidal particles (eg. either a solid or liquid) and the dispersing agent (eg. water). Very close to the dissolved colloidal particles, this interaction is static in character. Such a particle is surrounded by a layer of water only a few molecules thick and is very tightly bound to it.

-Hacheney Friedrich,
Levitiertes Wasser Dingfelder Verlag (1993)
Those of us who live within urban areas in the United States usually get our water from municipal water systems. These facilities take water from lakes and rivers, filter and disinfect it, pump it to our homes, and tell us that it is generally safe to drink. But is it? Millions of Americans are drinking water with unsafe levels of industrial chemicals.
The EPA regulates over 80 different potential water contaminants that may pose health risks. Some of these substances may cause acute illness, such as what might occur from bacteria or other microbes, like E. Coli, or even death. Other contaminants, including lead, pesticides and radioactive elements, build up in the body over time and may cause organ failure, birth defects, developmental issues in children, or cancer.
Other chemicals that may be in municipal water are known as polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl substances or PFASs. These chemicals have been linked to obesity, hormone suppression, and cancer. The problem with PFASs is that they remain in the body for a long time. Though other chemicals can be excreted within hours, it takes several years for your body to get rid of just half of whatever amount you ingest. Introduced more than 60 years ago, PFASs are a category of man-made chemicals that degrade very slowly, if at all, in the environment.
The most common additives to our drinking water are chlorine, chloramines, and fluoride, all of which are toxic. Fluoride is probably the most toxic and concerning of these additives.
In terms of acute toxicity (i.e., the dose that can cause immediate toxic consequences), fluoride is more toxic than lead, but slightly less toxic than arsenic. This is why fluoride has long been used in rodenticides and pesticides to kill pests such as rats and insects. It is also why accidents involving over-ingestion of fluoridated dental products, including fluoride gels, fluoride supplements, and fluoridated water, can cause serious poisoning, including death. The debate today, however, is not about fluoride’s acute toxicity, but its chronic toxicity (i.e., the dose of fluoride that if regularly consumed over an extended period can cause adverse effects).
Removing fluoride is more difficult than removing other contaminants. Reverse osmosis is a good option, but expensive for the average homeowner. One can also filter out fluoride through deionization in some water softeners and activated alumina filtration.
Not only are there toxic additives in our drinking water, but after conventional treatment, water remains energetically dead, lifeless and laced with harmful information. Beneficial trace minerals have also been removed. The conventional transportation of water through straight pipes and its delivery in highly pressurized systems further diminish water’s energetic quality.
Water handled in these conventional ways creates an environment for pathogenic bacteria to breed, and is also responsible for the phenomena of mineral deposits in pipes, appliances and water equipment.

Well Water Contaminants

People who obtain their water from wells do not necessarily have to deal with chemicals from other sources, but they must be just as concerned about their water quality. Well water may have high levels of dissolved minerals and chemicals leached from surrounding soils, agricultural runoff, and naturally-occurring but unsafe microbes.
Arsenic is one of the biggest dangers lurking in well water. It is a toxin that can leach from natural deposits or enter ground water from sources as varied as mining, oil and gas extraction, pesticide use, and treated wood. It is both tasteless and colorless, so regular chemical analysis is necessary.
Pesticides - as well as nitrates and nitrites from fertilizers, animal waste and septic tanks - present other common well water hazards.
Clean, Living Water
One of the most pervasive problems afflicting people throughout the world is inadequate access to clean water. Problems with water are expected to grow even worse in the coming decades, with water scarcity occurring worldwide - even in regions currently considered water-rich.
Global water quality degradation raises the specter of species survival. As of today, some 1.1 billion planetary inhabitants do not have access to clean drinking water, and 2.6 billion do not have sanitation services. Water pollution transmits numerous debilitating diseases to populations forced to drink contaminated water - and is a leading cause of death worldwide.
Addressing these problems calls out for a tremendous amount of needed research to identify robust new methods of purifying water at lower cost and requiring less energy, while at the same time minimizing the use of chemicals and impact on the environment. It is increasingly important to devise water purification systems that not only filter and sanitize, but also create structured water.
Agriculture is by far the leading user of freshwater worldwide, accounting for almost 85% of global consumption.
One of the earliest pioneers of water quality was the Austrian forester and inventor Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958). Schauberger had a deep appreciation for the life energy dynamics of what he called water’s life cycle. He put forth the scientific idea that water is indeed alive, and as such, can be sterile, immature or mature depending on the cluster size, treatment, motion and temperature of the water. Schauberger spent hours on end meditating with pristine mountain streams in the ancient primal forest of upper Austria. It was here he studied Goethe, Pythagoras and Keppler, and conceived his natural science principles, asserting that the best water to drink daily is that of a “True Spring Water”.
As discussed above, the natural action of water descending the twists and turns of a mountain, tumbling over rocks, and flowing down waterfalls, structuralizes water. As it dances with nature, its molecular structure changes - surface tension is reduced; toxins are neutralized; memory is cleared; and particles are balanced.

Viktor Schauberger
True Springs
True springs are found all over the world and can be differentiated from seepage springs by temperature. They are usually found in old growth forest, as there is a symbiotic relationship between the spring and the ancient trees. Unfortunately, many true springs have disappeared with the ancient forest.
True spring water has traveled a complete hydrological cycle. First traveling deep into the earth on its journey downward, water reaches the point where it meets the earth’s molten layers, then it is completely purified and energetically reborn. This reborn water, under enormous pressure, is then pushed back to the earth’s surface. As it journeys upward, it grows, is endowed, matures and gains structure through the contact it makes with the different layers of minerals and stones before returning to the earth’s surface.
There are now several water purifications systems that mimic the quality of water from a true spring.
Water’s Energetic Quality
When water is in its purest form and of its highest quality, it is a “Living Substance” endowed with both physical and energetic qualities that are inherently necessary to properly nourish a living organism on all levels.
To date, however, modern science refuses to perceive water as a “living substance”, i.e., how it can hold vast amounts of information, how it functions energetically within its environment, and how it synergistically conducts vital life-energies.
As a result, conventional water treatment overlooks the energetic quality of water in its treatment processes and in its water quality standards. While conventional water treatment is very effective at removing physical contaminants, it does not address the energetic qualities that remain post-treatment.
Theodor Schwenk (1910-1986) was a pioneer in water and flow research. He founded the Institute of Flow Sciences in Herrischried, Germany in 1961. A well-known author and lecturer, he contributed original insights and methods to the production of homeopathic and anthroposophic medicines.
In the 1970’s, Schwenk developed the first method of depicting water’s energetic quality, called “Drop Photography”. This method involves photographing and analyzing the formations generated by single drops of water as they fall into a dish of water and glycerin. The drops are photographed at the moment of impact. Complex patterns of harmonic turbulence occur, which differ depending on the quality of water being tested: if water is of good quality or tested from a natural source, it will express rosette and vortical patterns; if water is of poor quality, or contaminated by pollutants, it will lack expression.

Schwenk Water Droplet Photography
Water from mountain brook in the Black Forest downstream after the entrance of domestic sewage and industrial effluents.
Same water from Black Forest mountain brook prior to pollutants entering the water.
Schwenk gained public recognition with the publication of Sensitive Chaos: The Creation of Flowing Forms in Water and Air.
Written with his son Wolfram Schwenk: Water the Element of Life.
The next half century will be plagued by a host of severe water-related problems, threatening the well-being of many terrestrial ecosystems and drastically impairing human health.
Water contamination and shortages will affect every region of the globe - even the most "developed" countries have purification systems that use toxic chemicals and transport water via pipe over great distances - robbing it of its structure and chemically polluting it.
The solution will be water purification systems that can filter, ozonate - oxidize, and structure water back to its original “True Spring” blueprint.
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