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Ozone Therapy and Oxygen Therapy is Not a Miracle Cure | Part One
Urban Detox

Ozone Therapy and Oxygen Therapy is Not a Miracle Cure | Part One

What is ozone therapy and oxygen treatment and is it a miracle cure. Free information at This is part one of a series on ozone therapy treatment. Subscribe to our Channel: Urban Detox is a unique detox concept that accelerates the detoxification process without any of the cleansing symptoms and promotes healing and rejuvenation of the body. All You Need To Know | Medical Ozone | Part One is a quick and simple guide for users who wish to know more about how medical ozone works, all properties are supported by peer review studies from around the word and the papers can be found from any of the resources given below. Resources: Urban Detox - Authentic Intelligent Wellbeing Oxidation Therapy | Checkout the Basic's on the Nav | Medical Ozone | Treatments and much more Medical Ozone Research Institute | Medical Ozone Courses and Research Once you land on the page, register your details to get free access to who range of research and peer review papers on Medical Ozone http://medicalozoneresearchinstitute.... Ozonosan | Dr. Renata Viebahn-Hansler Medical Ozone Low Dose Concept and much more European Cooperation of Medical Ozone Societies Regulatory Body |Research and Training Madrid Declaration The first and only global consensus document in the history of ozone therapy. It has become an important reference tool for those health professionals using ozone therapy in any place in the world.
Ozone Therapy: Safe & Non Toxic way to Treat Viral Infections
Dr. Mark Stengler

Ozone Therapy: Safe & Non Toxic way to Treat Viral Infections Watch Dr. Mark Stengler interview natural health expert, Dr. Frank Shallenberger, about ozone therapy and its use for treatment against viruses like flu (influenza) and hepatitis. We've spent a lot of time talking about oxidization and oxygen efficiency because it's a topic that we consider to be very important! In this third segment with Dr. Frank Shallenberger, we discuss the treatment of viral infections using ozone therapy. Over 3% of the world's population has Hepatitis C, and that's just one of the many viruses impacting our population. While there anti-viral drugs are out there, they often have a very high side effect potential. How Can Ozone Therapy Treat Viral Infections? Many of the traditional treatments for viruses like hepatitis can be toxic. Many of the people who undergo treatment can't make it through. Ozone therapy treats hepatitis very effectively with no side effects. Can Ozone Therapy Help With Flu? Yes! Ozone therapy treatment for the flu (influenza) often just takes one or two treatments. It's also effective for treating more acute viruses, like West Nile, Swine Flu, and other respiratory viruses. There are documented cases of people coming in quite sick with a virus and the next day, after an ozone treatment, they're okay. It really is that dramatic. How is Ozone Therapy Treatment Administered? Ozone therapy can be given in a number of ways. Treatment types include blood, enema, water, oils, and inhalation. It can also be given in a sauna, where the treatment is absorbed through the skin. Procedure & Toxicity When done properly, ozone therapy is safe and non-toxic. The Germans have been using ozone therapy for 50 years, so there is a solid precedent for how treatment should be done properly. It is absolutely safe, and we've never heard of a problem from ozone therapy treatment. When is Ozone Therapy Appropriate? For someone with heart disease that has a blockage in their artery, everybody knows you need to treat by clearing the blockage to restore oxygen blood flow to the heart. The thing is, after the blockage has been cleared, the heart cell still isn't able to use oxygen efficiently. You have to do both--clear the blockage and something to build up the heart cell so it is able to utilize the oxygen efficiently. It makes sense to use a combination of chelation and ozone therapy to aid in heart disease treatment. These treatments can be given one right after the other. Ozone therapy, in a lot of ways, is exercise in a bottle. It has the same anti-aging effect as exercise. It is an effective treatment for many different conditions. Do you know how efficiently your body is using oxygen? Come see us to find out! WHO IS DR. STENGLER? Like you, Dr. Mark Stengler was once looking for an alternative. Even before he became a celebrated integrative physician he knew there was something critically wrong with the conventional medicine approach to treating illness. But it was after watching a loved one fall victim to that broken system that he finally realized that what’s actually missing from the mainstream drugs-and-surgeries approach is a massive lack of balance. He also realized that his true calling was in medicine as a Naturopathic Doctor. Dr. Stengler’s not your typical doctor. Not by a long shot. He stands out in a crowd, because, unlike most conventional doctors, his carefully constructed medical training was all about balance. He received extensive training in both conventional medicine and natural alternatives. What this fusion means for you, of course, is that when you make an appointment with Dr. Stengler you’re getting the perfect combination of advanced modern technology and powerful time-tested traditional therapies. This balanced approach means you get the very best medical care, and the safest long-term treatments, available. And Dr. Stengler’s got an 18-year track-record of successes to prove how well his radical approach works. In fact, his breakthrough methods have earned him national attention and acclaim as “America’s Natural Doctor®.” For more information on ozone therapy, visit our website at or contact our clinic at 760-274-2377.
Rectal Insufflation With Ozone (O3) | Rectal Insufflation Ozone Treatment @Home

Rectal Insufflation With Ozone (O3) | Rectal Insufflation Ozone Treatment @Home

Rectal insufflation of ozone is a powerful way to boost the immune system and to activate your white blood cells, let's learn more rectal insufflation ozone treatment: **** GET YOUR O3 POWER BUNDLE: **** Ozone Shop: **** SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE **** Subscribe our channel: **** FOLLOW US: **** Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google Plus: Welcome back to healing at home and rectal insufflation ozone insufflation to boost the immune system. So let's have a look shortly at some of the theory on how regular insufflation is done and what they do. Ozone bag that you fill with ozone which you connect to a catheter that is when you pull the plug and hold tight it's like a bad fart that you want to hold as long as you can so it's absorbed through the mucous membrane into the colon. “Rectal Insufflation” refers to introducing ozone into the body through the rectum. However, oxygen (O2) has been infused rectally during surgery for years, due to the fact that oxygen is easily absorbed through the walls of the colon. The same is true for ozone (O3). During rectal insufflations, a mix of ozone/oxygen is introduced through a catheter into the colon. It’s a type of an oxygen gas enema. The ozone helps remove inflammation and kills pathogens like bacteria, viruses, parasites, and yeast. It can help restore healthy gut flora. Some of the ozone is absorbed by the colon walls and the resulting oxidative by-products like ROS (reactive oxygen species) and LOP (lipid oxidation products) can travel through the portal vein to the liver. Some sources claim that RI is a valid substitute for ozone blood treatments, others (like Prof. Marcus Freudenmann ) call this into question. Recommended is to not introduce more than 500 ml of ozone at one time to prevent the possibility of rupturing the colon. What you need is the ozone generator you need catheters and you need the ozone insufflation bag which is in the starter kit altogether. Fill the insulation back with ozone-oxygen mixture with 42 milligrams per liter. I've had clients that come to a huge tumor on their rectum you know anal cancer, rectal cancer they have issues bleeding tumors speak with your doctor before you do that it's quite wise to do those things educated and well-planned find the doctor that speak with them how can use. It's actually a very beneficial treatment and I know in Switzerland Dr. Rao uses it. Activate oxygen flow going through the house into the oxygen-ozone regulator. There is no danger, no problem with anything because it instantly turns into oxygen volatile reactive part of ozone instantly returns into oxygen so there is no harm to the environment there is no harm to you and you've absorbed that extreme immune boosting element into your body right and now go on to our next Video where we talk about ear infections where you learn how to use ozone at for your ears. **** GET YOUR O3 POWER BUNDLE: **** Ozone Shop: **** SUBSCRIBE ON YOUTUBE **** Subscribe our channel: **** FOLLOW US: **** Website: Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Google Plus:

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