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Neuro-Toxin - Mercury Melts Your Brain

Neuro-Toxin - Mercury Melts Your Brain

HOW MERCURY CAUSES BRAIN NEURON DEGENERATION Noticed how many people nowadays resemble thoughtless brain-dead zombies who ramble aimlessly and have difficulty expressing themselves? Consider how this research vividly demonstrates the damage mercury has on brain cells -- in concentrations seen in people with amalgam fillings. Drs. Fritz Lorscheider and Naweed Syed's research, published in the British journal, NeuroReport, is supported here by a time-lapse video showing how brain cells die within 10 minutes when they are exposed to mercury in minute concentrations. There are many chemical combinations of mercury, inorganic and organic ones. All of them are poisonous. The most poisonous ones are organic. Dimethyl mercury killed scientist Karen Wetterhahn who spilled only a few drops of the liquid on her latex-gloved hands. Methylated mercury is relevant in the discussion of amalgam because under certain circumstances the mercury from amalgam may be methylated (Heintze, U., Edwardsson, S., Derand, T. and Birkhed, D.: "Methylation of Mercury From Dental Amalgam and Mercuric Chloride by Oral Streptococci in Vitro." Scand. J. Dental Research 91(2) 150-152, 1983; Yamada, Tonomura: "Formation of Methyl Mercury Compounds from Inorganic Mercury by Chlostridium cochlearium," J Ferment Technol 1972 50:159-166, and Field study on the mercury content of saliva, by P.Krauß and M. Deyhle*, K.H. Maier, E. Roller, H.D. Weiß, Ph. Clédon). Evidence indicates that mercury vapor is continuously released from tooth fillings where it is breathed in by the lungs and converted into mercuric ions. Although there is no debate on the toxic effects of high concentrations of mercury (i.e. associated with urinary concentrations above 50 µg/l), a challenge exists to demonstrate more subtle, preclinical effects associated with chronic low level mercury exposure in the general population with fillings. At least consistent with this notion is the study published in this issue [5] showing that exposure to mercury concentrations of less than 0.1 M results in rapid (i.e. within 10 min) retraction of growth cones in snail neurons and is correlated with disruption of microtubules. Interestingly, the authors point out that similar disruption of microtubules is associated with Alzheimer's disease. These recent findings give added impetus for the development and implementation of alternative materials for fillings and may provide parents with added ammunition in teaching their children to floss. This video shows how the other metals [also present in amalgam] - aluminum, lead, cadmium and manganese - did not produce this type of degeneration. Fritz Lorscheider (physiology and biophysics) elaborates: "Our study illustrates how mercury ions alter the cell membrane structure of developing neurons. This discovery provides visual evidence of our previous findings that mercury produces a molecular lesion in the brain." Essentially, mercury already has and continues to cripple the entire population rendering the masses as nothing more than drooling, brain damaged zombies.

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