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Bioregulatory medicine is a personalized medicine which tailors medical treatment to the individual characteristics, needs and preferences of each patient. Physicians have long observed that patients with similar symptoms may have different illnesses, with different causes; and similarly, that medical interventions may work well in some patients, but not in others (with apparently the same disease). It is therefore important to focus and treat the varied causes of an illness, not simply suppress the symptoms.

Bioregulatory medicine enables physicians and clinicians to identify the primary causes of illnesses by integrating the results of procedures that evaluate structural integrity, bio-chemical individuality and nutritional deficiencies, epigenetic predispositions, regulatory and metabolic processes, energetic imbalances, and the individual’s unique psycho-emotional dynamics such as losses and traumas.

The therapeutic practices of bioregulatory medicine, like its diagnostics, are as individual and varied as the creative processes of the practitioners who use them. Therapeutic skill is a science, an art, and a creative process. The therapies of bioregulatory medicine extend beyond the conventional treatment of disorders of structure and function, and also encompass energetic imbalances, disorders of regulation and adaptation, social and psychoemotional disturbances and themes. The therapeutic practices of bioregulatory medicine are within the mind-body paradigm.


The following are a list of some of the more common, and perhaps a few of the less well-known bioregulatory-oriented therapies found in clinics throughout the world. Unlike diagnostics that may be conceptually categorized into “Planes”, therapeutic modalities are for too broad and inter-dimensional to group or categorize. This list is by no means complete, but may serve as a sample of bioregulatory medicine therapies that are used globally.


For clarity, an attempt has been made to place them into broad alphabetical categories.


The many therapeutic methods of bioregulatory medicine are oriented to the individual’s unique life and patterns of disharmony. Healing methods are designed to emphasize their potential to regulate, adapt, regenerate, and self-heal. This is achieved through the individualized combination of ancient healthcare wisdom together with current scientific technological advancements.

The term
regulate when applied to bioregulatory medicine refers to the inherent flexibility, dynamicity, and natural rhythm of the organism. The therapeutic promotion of the body’s regulation process is of central importance.

The term
adapt when applied to bioregulatory medicine involves the concept of achieving and maintaining equilibrium within changing environmental, emotional and psychic circumstances. This involves maintaining the integrity of the central and autonomic nervous system, humoral and cellular immunity, endocrine function, and the other energetic vital forces that govern adaptation to one’s environment.

The terms
regenerate and self-heal are similar in defining biologically oriented therapy. All healing, in essence, is self-healing and involves the regenerative forces of the organism.

Disease processes are difficult to reduce to a collection of linear events. Most malignancies are of multifactorial origin and consequently have multiple targets to be addressed when successful treatment is the goal. The biologically oriented practitioner helps facilitate this process generally through the use of a wide variety of non-invasive and non-toxic therapeutic modalities.


Human body meridians



Acid-Base Regulation Therapy

Acupuncture and other Meridian Therapy
Alexander Technique
Anthroposophical Medicine
Atlas Orthogonal Therapy

Bach Flower Therapy
Bioregulatory Dentistry (also known as Biological or Holistic Dentistry)
Biofeedback Therapy
Bioresonance Therapy

Bowen Therapy

Brain Sync
Chiropractic Manipulative Therapy

Clay Therapy
Coley’s Vaccine Immunotherapy
Colon Hydrotherapy
Color Therapy (Dinshah, Babbitt)

Consciousness 2.0

Core Health

Crainal Release Technique
Cranial Sacral Therapy and Somato-Emotional     Release

Crystal Light Therapy
Cupping – Traditional Asian Medicine Cupping
Dance Movement Therapy

DMSA Chelation Therapy

DMPS Chelation Therapy
EDTA Chelation Therapy
Electromagnetic Spectrum Therapy

Emotional Freedom Technique

Energy Therapy
Expressive Therapy/Art Therapy
Exercise and Movement Therapy

Family Constellations
Feldenkrais Method

Fever Therapy
Flower Essences (Bach) and other Flower Essence Therapy
Frequency Therapy

Gem Stone and Gem Elixir Therapy

Guasha Therapy
Haptens Therapy (Sanum)

Healing Codes


Holotropic Breath Work
Hormone Therapy

  • Human growth hormone (hGH)

  • Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)

  • Androgen: Testosterone/DHEA

  • Progesterone

  • Estrogen


  • Local

  • Whole Body


Information-field technology

Inner Resonance Transformation

InnerTalk Technology


Instant Emotional Healing

Insulin Potentiated Therapy (IPT)


Kampo Medicine
Laser Therapy

Lifeflow Meditation
Light Therapy – Far-infrared
Lymphatic Drainage Massage and Devices
Macrobiotic Lifestyle
Magnetic Therapy

Metal Detoxification

Metodo One Soul

Mistletoe (Viscum) Therapy
Matrix Regenerative Therapy (Vega)
Massage Therapy
Music Therapy

Naso Therapy

Neuro Emotional Technique
Neural Therapy

Neurological Integration System
Nutritional Therapy
Orthomolecular Therapy
Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy

Oxidative Therapy

  • Ionized Oxygen

  • Ozone Therapy

  • Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

  • Hydrogen Peroxide, Magnesium Peroxide, Calcium Peroxide Therapy

Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor

Physical Therapy

Phytotherapy/ Herbal Therapy
Platelet Rich Plasma Therapy (PRP)

Probiotic Therapy
Proteolytic Enzyme Therapy


Psychoemotional Therapy/Counseling

Rapid Eye Technology

Reconnective Healing

Remote Energetic Alignment Process

Resonance Repatterning

RIM Method
Rolfing Structural Integration

Rosen Method

Safe and Sound Protocol

Salt Therapy
Sauna – wet, dry, and infrared

Somatic Pattern Recognition
Sono-dynamic Therapy (SDT)
Sound Therapy

  • Harmonic Sound Translation

  • Himalayan Singing Bowls

  • Audio-Color (Vega)

  • Mantra – Primordial Sounds

  • Vedic Sound Therapy

  • Signature Sound Works

Spleen Peptide Therapy
Stem Cell Therapy

Structural Energetic Therapy

Sujok (Hand-Foot) Acupuncture/Acupressure

Theta Healing

Thought Field Therapy
Thymus Peptide Therapy
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)
Ultrasound Therapy
High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound Therapy

Zero Balancing

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© 2017-2025 Dr. James Odell, ND, OMD, L.Ac. 

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