Sharon Stills, NMD
Dr. Sharon Stills, NMD is a Naturopathic Medical Doctor who provides therapeutic and diagnostic services to patients in need of a different approach. She believes that the Mind and the Body must be treated as one in order for every person to enjoy genuine health and true happiness. She has successfully helped thousands of women transition gently through the different stages of their lives with all-natural methods and is passionate about her signature philosophy and program RED.
Dr. Stills is a graduate of SCNM (The Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) in Tempe, Arizona. She is a leadership member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians, the Arizona Naturopathic Medical Association, and the Oncology Association of Naturopathic Physicians. She is also a leader in legislative issues regarding Naturopathic Medicine. She specializes in European Biological Medicine – having trained extensively with Dr. Thomas Rau of the Paracelsus Clinic in Switzerland. She is also extremely well-versed in anti-aging therapies and Bio-identical Hormone Replacement, and is well known for her successful treatment of Breast Cancer – both early and advanced stage – and was featured in the Cancer Prevention Summit. Dr. Stills travels the world seeking out and bringing back to the USA the best of Natural Medicine options.
Dr. Stills authors and reviews articles for Women’s Health Network, where she is also a member of their Expert Panel. She is a certified meditation teacher of MBSR (Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction) as well as one of the few leaders in the US of the AUM Meditation Process, which she studied in Holland.
Dr. Stills founded and ran one of the largest and most successful naturopathic clinics in New York for a decade. She then founded RED MEDical to see select patients who are not receiving the help they need from other medical professionals. The various therapies she utilizes include live cell therapeutics, dietary changes, vitamin therapy, homeopathy, bio-identical hormone replacement, anti-aging medicine, isopathy, botanicals, acupuncture, hydrotherapy, color therapy, meditation and more.
Having overcome serious health issues of her own, Dr. Stills practices what she preaches. She loves to cook and eats a healthy paleo diet. She swallows vitamins daily, prioritizes a good night’s sleep, and is grateful for all that she has. She has a serious case of wanderlust, and considers her heavily stamped passport one of the best indicators of her own well-lived RED life – that, coupled with spending time with her two sons and her adorable grand-puppies.

When Dr. Stills is not working with patients, or on her new book, she can often be found peacefully meditating - or yelling excitedly while watching a NY Jets game. She loves to buy shoes, yet is frequently found barefoot. She loves to bake, yet her paleo cookie dough rarely makes it into the oven. She is passionate about physical movement and can often be found at the Hot Yoga Studio, running a mountain trail, or dancing all her worries away at a live music venue. She is a hot-tub junkie and an avid skier who has mastered all the bunny hills she has ever traversed.