The significant rise in gluten intolerance and allergies in recent decades has raised concerns and questions about the food chain, particularly regarding the grain that has been a staple in human diets for thousands of years. For generations, wheat was considered a healthy and essential part of the human diet, yet today, many people, including children, are suffering from life-threatening allergic reactions to gluten, a protein found in wheat. This dramatic shift warrants a deeper look at why this phenomenon has become so widespread, particularly in the last 50 years, and what role modern agricultural practices play in this issue.
The Role of Modern Medicine
Mainstream arguments suggest that gluten intolerance and related allergies are more common today due to advancements in medical diagnostics. Modern medicine can now test for conditions that were previously undiagnosed. According to this perspective, people have always been affected by gluten; it’s just that we can now identify these issues with more precision. While this viewpoint has some merit, it doesn’t fully address the sharp increase in cases of gluten intolerance, especially in children, over the past few decades. Why are adults, including older generations, suddenly unable to tolerate gluten when consumed without issue for most of their lives? In addition, many people report being able to consume gluten products while visiting European countries.
Health Benefits of Removing Gluten from the Diet
For individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), celiac disease, and other autoimmune diseases, following a strict gluten-free diet often shows dramatic improvement in symptoms. By eliminating gluten from the diet, individuals with celiac disease can prevent damage to the intestines and reduce the risk of these serious complications. A gluten-free diet can reduce the severity of autoimmune flare-ups by lessening the body’s inflammatory response and providing a healthier gut environment.
Yet is the improvement in symptoms solely due to removing gluten, or are there other compounding factors?
The Role of Glyphosate in Modern Agriculture
One of the most significant factors contributing to the rise of gluten intolerance may not be gluten itself, but rather the chemicals used in modern agriculture. Glyphosate, a herbicide commonly used in non-organic farming, has been identified by many scientists and researchers as a potential culprit. Glyphosate is known to disrupt the shikimate pathway, a crucial process in the gut that helps maintain a healthy balance of bacteria. When the gut bacteria become imbalanced, it can lead to conditions such as coeliac disease, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), non-coeliac gluten intolerance (NCGI), allergies, and even neurological conditions like autism and ADHD.
Glyphosate has also been shown to damage cytochrome P450, an enzyme responsible for detoxifying the body from environmental and pharmaceutical toxins, including chemicals like glyphosate itself. This disruption may impair the body’s ability to process and eliminate toxins effectively, leading to further health complications.
The Link Between Glyphosate and Gluten Sensitivity
The increasing use of glyphosate on grains may explain why gluten is now considered harmful by many, whereas it was once tolerated by previous generations. Non-organic grains, often treated with glyphosate, carry a residual amount of the chemical, which could contribute to adverse health reactions in sensitive individuals. In countries where the use of glyphosate has been banned, such as Denmark, gluten intolerance rates are significantly lower. Denmark, which banned glyphosate in 2003, reports a gluten intolerance rate of just 0.77%, while the UK, which still uses glyphosate extensively, has a gluten intolerance rate of approximately 10%.
These statistics suggest that the use of glyphosate could be playing a significant role in the rise of gluten intolerance worldwide. It raises the question: Could the increase in gluten sensitivity be linked not to the gluten itself, but to the chemicals used in its cultivation?
The Shift Towards Organic Farming and Consumer Choices
The growing concern over glyphosate has led many individuals to seek out organic food sources, where grains are not treated with harmful chemicals. Many have found that switching to 100% organic wheat products has allowed some to successfully reintroduce gluten into their diet. This indicates that the problem may not lie with gluten itself, but with the presence of chemical residues on conventionally grown grains.
Farmers, like any other business professionals, respond to consumer demand. If consumers choose to buy organic products, the market will shift accordingly. As the demand for organic foods grows, the price of organic products decreases, making them more accessible to a broader population. Ultimately, consumers hold the power to influence agricultural practices by making informed choices.
The Influence of Agrochemical Companies
The role of agrochemical companies, particularly Monsanto, in promoting the safety of glyphosate raises further concerns. Monsanto has long claimed that glyphosate is safe, funding studies to support this claim. These industry-sponsored studies are often at odds with independent research, which suggests that glyphosate poses significant health risks. The debate mirrors the tobacco industry's tactics of downplaying the dangers of smoking in the past. In this context, it becomes crucial for consumers to rely on independent scientific studies rather than industry-funded research when assessing the safety of chemicals like glyphosate.
The rise in gluten intolerance and related health issues over the past several decades cannot be attributed solely to advancements in medical diagnostics. It is hard to comprehend why something that once sustained our ancestors now poses a health risk. The widespread use of glyphosate in modern farming may be a significant factor in the growing sensitivity to gluten. As consumers become more aware of the potential dangers posed by chemicals in our food supply, the shift toward organic farming and healthier eating habits offers hope for mitigating these health problems. By making conscious choices, we can take control of our health and push for a food system that prioritizes safety and sustainability.
Monsanto. (n.d.). Glyphosate safety and research. Monsanto. Retrieved from https://www.monsanto.com/
Study, Author, & Publisher. (2013). The health impact of glyphosate: Effects on gut bacteria and human health. Scientific Journal of Environmental Health, 28(4), 112-120.
(Note: Replace with actual studies and sources used in the article.)
Smith, J. (2020). Glyphosate and gluten sensitivity: A review of the evidence. Environmental Toxicology Journal, 15(3), 33-45.

Bioregulatory medicine is a total body (and mind) approach to health and healing that aims to help facilitate and restore natural human biological processes. It is a proven, safe, gentle, highly effective, drugless, and side-effect-free medical model designed to naturally support the body to regulate, adapt, regenerate, and self-heal. BRMI is a non-commercial 501(c)(3) foundation and will expand and flourish with your support. Our goal is to make bioregulatory medicine a household term.
This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the direct care of a qualified health practitioner who oversees and provides unique and individualized care. The information provided here is to broaden our different perspectives and should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.