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Carpe Diem!

Dean Fachon, Author

Neil Fachon
Neil Fachon

We live at a pivotal moment in history.  The flaws and dangers in the policies and practice of mainstream-medicine are being exposed, creating the possibility of a paradigm shift.  This is a “let no good crisis go to waste” sort of moment – not to justify more government/big-pharma intervention, but instead to remove it.  This is a pivotal moment, but only if enough people see it and demand accountability.

That’s one reason why Neil Fachon’s story, DIPG, Eternal Hope vs. Terminal Corruption, was written.  The book is “dedicated to everyone who feels abandoned by the very institutions we believed were established to safeguard our rights.”  Neil’s story highlights systemic failures and corruption that have become epidemic in our healthcare system – from poor continuity in the handling of patient records to withholding requested diagnostic procedures, and from stigmatizing alternative therapies to putting entrenched medical interests before individual patient care.  

Of course, most doctors have their patients’ best interests at heart, but mainstream practitioners have been trained to think about health in narrow-minded ways.  For instance, the human body is viewed as a collection of parts, and each part has a specialist.  “The interconnectedness of all things,” (a phrase coined by Douglas Adams) is almost foreign, yet the interconnectedness of our organs and body-systems could not be more important.  What happens in your gut most certainly has an impact on your brain, and stubbing your big toe can throw out your back.  Nothing should be treated in isolation – just as no two people should be treated exactly alike.  This is fundamental.

Sadly, government and medical authorities have buried this truth.  Nowhere has this been more apparent than in the recent “pandemic.”  When C0V1D arrived, we were warned to march in lock step and take the vaccines and boosters or effectively die, or worse, become carriers who would kill someone else if we didn’t.  None of this was even remotely true.  Now, in the aftermath of the pandemic, these self-same authorities are trying to conceal the failures of their “one size fits all” approach to disease, but studies from around the world tell a tale not unlike Neil’s.  Many studies show that the C0V1D vaccines and boosters were more likely to cause C0V1D than prevent it, and statistics from around the world show that “outlawed” medicines like Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine were actually quite effective.  And worst of all, it has become abundantly clear that many people suffered severe reactions to the mRNA shots.  

In 2016, the FDA shut down a clinical trial for one young man because it quibbled with the purity of an ingredient being used to make an experimental treatment, suddenly requiring this ingredient be manufactured as if it were a drug unto itself.  The FDA offered no evidence of harm having ever been caused by the Burzynski Research Institute’s decades-old method of handling this ingredient.  Fast forward to the early 2020s, when the FDA tried to cajole every adult and child in the country to take an experimental treatment while information about its ingredients was kept secret.  Disregarding ‘informed consent,’ the FDA maintained its effort despite the unprecedented injuries and deaths which occurred in the wake of administering these so-called vaccines – injuries and deaths surpassing all other vaccines ever invented, combined!  As much as authorities wish to disavow any causal connections, these facts are documented on the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Reaction Reporting System (VAERS) and by statistics from around the world.  I shudder to think how many Neil’s have been seeded with a premature demise.  Postscript, DIPG

Unfortunately, efforts to censor information that conflicts with the official narrative have been legion.  Open debate is prohibited, while employing Gestapo tactics to control the narrative is routine.  But doesn’t this behavior suggest guilt on its own?  The circumstantial evidence surrounding C0V1D – its origins, the treatment whipped up at “warp speed,” and the shutting down of dissent – are strongly suggestive of intention.  If there was intent, it’s no understatement to say that crimes against humanity have been and are still being committed.

At the very least, we need to be wary of our government agencies like the CDC and the FDA and their big-pharma allies.  We should refuse to take any mRNA vaccines, and parents especially should explain to their children that these shots are dangerous and how to refuse them no matter the enticements.  Not until there is a complete reckoning can we again place any trust in the institutions that have pushed these “treatments.”  Seize the moment.  Demand full accountability.  In the meantime, for an integrative approach to healing for yourself and your loved ones, seek out doctors who are open-minded enough to embrace personalized medicine with functional, holistic and alternative approaches. 

Dean Fachon has a Bachelors Degree in English Literature from Colgate University and a Masters Degree in Technical Communication from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. He wrote technical publications for IBM and DEC, and is the author of The Grand Illusion, a treatise on fiat money. Dean is Neil's father.

Bioregulatory medicine is a total body (and mind) approach to health and healing that aims to help facilitate and restore natural human biological processes. It is a proven, safe, gentle, highly effective, drugless, and side-effect-free medical model designed to naturally support the body to regulate, adapt, regenerate, and self-heal. BRMI is a non-commercial 501(c)(3) foundation and will expand and flourish with your support. Our goal is to make bioregulatory medicine a household term.

This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for the direct care of a qualified health practitioner who oversees and provides unique and individualized care. The information provided here is to broaden our different perspectives and should not be construed as medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment.

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