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A Surprising Mechanism That Sustains Illness and Blocks Healing

By Richard Flook

emotional trauma

This article explores how unresolved emotional trauma can lead to dis-ease from the perspective of the mitochondria,structured water,2 and melanin 3. It underscores the essential importance of addressing emotional trauma prior to other interventions, be they holistic, western medicine or both. 

Most of us are aware that physical trauma, including toxins in the environment, cause the release of adrenaline 4 and cortisol 5,6 stress hormones 7,8.  Logically, detoxifying the body of heavy metals 9, reducing inflammation, eating healthy food, and other holistic approaches make sense.  

Emotional Stress and Its Significance 

Yet the enduring impact of “toxic emotional stress” 10 remains significantly underestimated. It is my experience that it is a critical and a missing component in healing, having looked deeply into the mechanisms of how trauma plays its role in disease. These statements are based on the synthesis of my 30 years’ experience in the energetic healing field, researching, teaching, and lecturing around the world and authoring books on the topic. 

Emotional traumas often fly under the radar and can keep you in a sustained state of stress. When you get stuck in this state, the sympathetic nervous system; 11 stress hormones are continuously being drip fed into your blood, ultimately fatiguing, then overtaxing your body. 12 The counter parasympathetic nervous system, 13 where the body normally restores and heals, 14 is not activated for long enough to do its job. 

If this ‘toxic stress’ situation continues on and on, your next port of call is disease. 15 But how does this happen?

First, stress wipes out the energy in your body, leaving susceptibility to disease. 16This happens through the surprising mechanism of how three parts of your body interconnect: mitochondria, structured water, and melanin. You probably are aware of these but may be unaware of how they sync with disease.

Interdependence of Mitochondria, Structured Water, and Melanin in the Body

To understand the complexities of the dance among emotional trauma and disease and these three physiological regulators, we must first understand what these parts are and what role they play in the body. 

Let’s start with mitochondria. Inside every cell, with the exception of blood cells, are some 500 to 10,000 mitochondria. They are derived from bacteria and have their own DNA. These mitochondria are tiny little organs called organelles, inside your cells. Combined they are the power house of your whole body. 17

Most of us have been taught that they use glucose and oxygen to create ATP, which runs the body. However, a more accurate description based on the work of Dr. Gilbert N Ling and Dr. Gerald Pollack, is that this process generates heat and therefore life. 18

Now let’s talk about structured water. The heat, generated by the mitochondria, combined with proteins and regular water that creates a gel-like substance in your cells, which is also called the fourth phase of water. 19 This fourth phase is just like when you make jello (jelly): you take a protein powder, heat and water, and it turns into jello. 

cells showing structured water and mitochondria

Inside every cell is structured water, the big brown dot in the middle, is the nucleus. The small dots throughout the rest of the cells are the mitochondria.

This gel-like substance inside the cell that houses the mitochondria is incredible. It has a structure, and that structure looks like layers of crystals. You’ve probably seen similar crystalline structures popularized by the work of Dr. Emoto. 20 When this “structured gel” is present in the cell, it repels certain minerals and attracts other ones. The crystalline structure itself also holds memory and has an electrical charge, like a battery. 21

illustration of a battery

The crystalline structure of EZ water found in cells, has an intricate bonding mechanism turning normal water from H2O into H3O2. This gives it an electrical charge, the ability to repel certain minerals and attract others plus maintaining a gel-like structure.

In healthy cells, the crystalline-structured water makes your cells plump and alive. If the mitochondria are damaged due to ongoing stress, whether emotional or physical, they can’t make heat, the crystalline structure in the cell breaks down, and the gel “battery” can’t run. 22

melanin at a cellular level

Melanin is a dark brown or black substance due to its high amount of carbon.

Pictured is neuro-melanin found deep in the brain in the Substantia Negra which is Latin for black substance.

Melanin is a wide band-gap semi conductor that operates in water.

Toxins can’t be repelled any more. They move into the cell. This includes not just physical toxins; memories of emotional trauma also get stuck. I posit, and it is my experience that there is no difference here. There is also proof from the last five decades that memories can’t be processed as there is no energy. 23 This eventually leads to dis-ease.

Let’s explore what processes memories; this is melanin. This is a human semi-conductor 24 that runs on structured water; 25 To clarify this further, semi-conductors make microchips, commonly found in your mobile phone or computer. Melanin is so exciting that scientist have been experimenting with it to go way beyond our present microchips and the results are impressive. 26,27

Mobile Phones and the Link between Mitochondria, Melanin and Structured Water

Let’s look at the analogy of a mobile phone to understand this process more fully.

illustration of a phone

A mobile phone has a screen, a battery, PCB board that houses the memory chip and central processing unit (CPU).

You charge up a mobile phone by plugging it into a charging cable.

The phone’s power supply, charges the battery. Which in turn gives it power to access stored memories and run the phone.

In humans the power supply is mitochondria. This charges the battery of the gel-like water. When there is enough power, the gel-like water battery is working well, powering everything.

This gel-like water has another function: it is also where memories are stored. This is where melanin enters the picture. Melanin takes the memories from the gel-like water inside the cell and processes them.

Let’s look again at our phone analogy. When you interact with it, you look at your phone screen. You see it; you hear it, you touch it; you communicate with it.

Melanin is akin to a phone screen but the melanin “screen” not only surrounds your whole body, it is also inside you, it’s found around each mitochondria; 28 it’s in your brain, 29 your nervous system 30 and it encompasses every organ. 31 It’s how you feel, you sense things, you hear, you see. You communicate with yourself and others because of melanin.

What causes disease? To answer this let’s go back to our phone analogy again. As the battery runs out of juice, the phone slows down and eventually switches itself off, going into a sleep mode. You then have to recharge it. Over time the battery stops holding its charge and the phone becomes redundant.

It’s the same for humans. If the structured gel-water hasn’t any stored power because the mitochondria have stopped working, 32 melanin cannot access or process memories. You are unable to communicate, the body slows down and eventually sleeps. If this carries on for any length of time people get ill and pass on.

Then how does emotional trauma cause disease? Ongoing emotional trauma destroys not only the mitochondria, 33 but it also destroys the gel-like water 34 and the melanin. 35,36 People get symptoms such as brain fog, depression, mania, or anxiety. 37 Physically they feel stressed, experience pain, over time this can lead onto disease or terminal illness.

Hence, addressing these emotional challenges head-on with the guidance of a trained professional can result in a complete resolution of underlying stressful events. This may include breaking free from things that are causing ongoing stress such as unresolved childhood traumas or dysfunctional relationships; ultimately transforming one's health and life.

In conclusion, people’s results soar when they are able to heal the emotional traumas, massively reducing those pesky stress hormones, allowing the body to naturally heal itself and other interventions to work more effectively.

In my next article I will share with you the results of my 30-plus years’ experience and the method I employ to finding and clearing the specific traumatic events that trigger disease and I am certain, it will astound you how it’s done.

About Richard Flook

Since the death of his mother from breast cancer when he was 12, despite the medical and complementary intervention she received, Richard Flook has been asking questions about why we get sick and how we heal.

The answers surprised him, and through a 30-year-journey he's pieced together how the whole body reacts to toxic events that cause a cascade of energetic imbalances that lead to specific diseases.

Richard is an international Hay House author, recently completed his third book How Can I Heal?, teaches, lectures, and works with clients throughout the world, and regularly trains practitioners in his Advanced Clearing Energetics® process.

Richard Flook

Reach Richard at 

WhatsApp: 0033664895058

Skype richardflook1

Instagram @richardflook1

Twitter @richardflook1


2 Structured water known as the fourth phase of water by Gerald Pollack

3 Melanin is a broad term for a group of natural pigments found in most organisms. The melanin

pigments are produced in a specialized group of cells known as melanocytes.

4 Adrenaline is normally produced by the adrenal glands and by a small number of neurons in the

medulla oblongata. It plays an essential role in the fight-or-flight response by increasing blood flow

to muscles, heart output by acting on the SA node, pupil dilation response, and blood sugar level.

5 During acute stress, cortisol levels rise and pulsatility is maintained. Although the initial rise in

cortisol follows a large surge in adrenocorticotropic hormone levels, if long-term inflammatory

stress occurs, adrenocorticotropic hormone levels return to near basal levels while cortisol levels

remain raised as a result of increased adrenal sensitivity. In chronic stress, hypothalamic activation

of the pituitary changes from corticotropin-releasing hormone-dominant to arginine vasopressin-

dominant, and cortisol levels remain raised due at least in part to decreased cortisol metabolism.

6 Though widely known as the body’s stress hormone, Cortisol has a variety of effects on different

functions throughout the body. It is the main glucocorticoid released from the zona fasciculata layer

of the adrenal cortex. The hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis regulates both production and

secretion of cortisol. Loss of regulation can lead to cortisol excess disorders, such as Cushing

syndrome, or cortical insufficiency, such as Addison disease.

7 What are stress hormones? Cortisol is the primary stress hormone that changes your body and

mind. After stress hormones like glucagon and prolactin, there are reproductive hormones like

estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone, as well as hormones that affect growth. Hormones are

chemicals that send messages through your blood to your organs, skin, muscles, and other

tissues. This helps your body’s different systems work together. Your body gets messages from

these signals about what to do and when to do it.

8 Stress: Endocrine Physiology and Pathophysiology. Stress constitutes a state of threatened

homeostasis triggered by intrinsic or extrinsic adverse forces (stressors) and is counteracted by an

intricate repertoire of physiologic and behavioral responses aiming to maintain/reestablish the

optimal body equilibrium (eustasis). The adaptive stress response depends upon a highly

interconnected neuroendocrine, cellular, and molecular infrastructure, i.e. the stress system. Key

components of the stress system are the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and the

autonomic nervous system (ANS), which interact with other vital centers in the central nervous

system (CNS) and tissues/organs in the periphery to mobilize a successful adaptive response

against the imposed stressor(s). Dysregulation of the stress system (hyper- or hypo-activation) in

association with potent and/or chronic stress can markedly disrupt the body homeostasis leading to

a state of cacostasis or allostasis, with a spectrum of clinical manifestations.

9 Toxic Mechanisms of Five Heavy Metals: Mercury, Lead, Chromium, Cadmium, and Arsenic

Heavy metals disrupt cellular events including growth, proliferation, differentiation, damage-

repairing processes, and apoptosis. Comparison of the mechanisms of action reveals similar

pathways for these metals to induce toxicity including ROS generation, weakening of the

antioxidant defense, enzyme inactivation, and oxidative stress.

10 The effects of chronic stress on the human brain: From neurotoxicity, to vulnerability, to

11 The sympathetic nervous system makes up part of the autonomic nervous system, also known

as the involuntary nervous system. Without conscious direction, the autonomic nervous system

regulates important bodily functions such as heart rate, blood pressure, pupil dilation, body

temperature, sweating and digestion.

12 Understanding the stress response Chronic activation of this survival mechanism impairs health.

Research suggests that chronic stress contributes to high blood pressure, promotes the formation

of artery-clogging deposits, and causes brain changes that may contribute to anxiety, depression,

13 The parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) is one of the two functionally distinct and

continuously active divisions of the autonomic nervous system (ANS). It is in opposition to the

other, the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The parasympathetic nervous system predominates

in quiet “rest and digest” conditions while the sympathetic nervous system drives the “fight or flight”

response in stressful situations. The main purpose of the PNS is to conserve energy to be used

later and to regulate bodily functions like digestion and urination.

14 After danger or a perceived threat has passed, the parasympathetic nervous system allows you

to calm down by lowering your heart rate and blood pressure, relaxing muscles, and slowing

breathing. It brings your systems back to homeostasis, or balance, and allows your body to relax

15 Impact of Toxic Stress on Individuals and Communities: A Review of the Literature

16 Organismal ageing is accompanied by progressive loss of cellular function and systemic

deterioration of multiple tissues, leading to impaired function and increased vulnerability to death.

17 Mitochondria are the powerhouses of the cell. They are unique organelles present in almost all

eukaryotic cells that are responsible for generating the cell’s supply of adenosine triphosphate

18 This book describes how cells work. It challenges the current wisdom of cell function, and

presents a new, simpler approach to fundamental processes such as movement, transport,

division, and communication, based on sound physical principles. The book is profusely illustrated

with many color figures. It is written for the non-expert in an accessible, often humorous style.

19 Effect of infrared radiation on interfacial water at hydrophilic surfaces

20 Dr. Emoto was a pioneer in the study of water. His work demonstrated that water is shaped by

environment, thoughts and emotions.

21 A fourth phase of water, labeled exclusion-zone or "EZ"; extends from hydrophilic surfaces.

Salient features include exclusion of colloidal and molecular solutes, and characteristic light

absorbance at 270 nm. In cell systems, EZ water interfaces with membranes, macromolecules,

and organelles, and its buildup appears to be vital for function. For years thought to build health,

fats have gained a negative reputation over the last few decades. While their exact role in health

remains unclear, now they have become more accepted.

22 So when that water is not structured to become an exclusion zone (EZ), the hydrogen bonding

network is not tight enough in water’s networks around mitochondria.  As a result, those networks

are less condensed and more spread-out. This allows the proteins to spread out further than they

should. Every one Angstrom of “stretching out” between the respiratory proteins leads to less

electron tunneling and a massive loss of redox power in the mitochondria by a factor of ten!!!  Why

does this happen?  Water has some anomalous properties when it is heated by IR-A light and life

takes full advantage of these properties in a cell to improve energy flux in mitochondria.

23 The effects of chronic stress on the human brain: From neurotoxicity, to vulnerability, to

opportunity - For the last five decades, science has managed to delineate the mechanisms by

which stress hormones can impact on the human brain. Receptors for glucocorticoids are found in

the hippocampus, amygdala and frontal cortex, three brain regions involved in memory processing

and emotional regulation. Studies have shown that chronic exposure to stress is associated with

reduced volume of the hippocampus and that chronic stress can modulate volumes of both the

amygdala and frontal cortex, suggesting neurotoxic effects of stress hormones on the brain.

24 Vishal A. Ghadge, Krishnan Ravi, Dhanaji R. Naikwadi, Pramod B. Shinde, Ankush V. Biradar.

Natural eumelanin-based porous N -doped carbon as an active bio-catalyst for base- and initiator-

free aerobic oxidation of olefins and alkyl aromatic hydrocarbons. Green Chemistry 2023, 25 (7) ,

25 What may not be immediately obvious, given melanin’s insoluble nature, is that the material itself

is quite hygroscopic. Water adsorption isotherms of melanin have indicated that it can absorb up to

20% of its own weight in water, which corresponds roughly to ~2 water molecules to a monomer

26 Melanin, the What, the Why and the How: An Introductory Review for Materials Scientists

Interested in Flexible and Versatile Polymers

27 Starting from a survey of biological roles and functions, the present review aims at providing an

interdisciplinary perspective of melanin pigments and related pathway with a view to showing how

it is possible to translate current knowledge about physical and chemical properties and control

mechanisms into new bioinspired solutions for biomedical, dermocosmetic, and technological

28 Several studies have recently demonstrated the close relationship between mitochondria and

melanogenesis in melanocytes. Physical contact between mitochondria and melanosomes,

specialized melanin pigment-producing and lysosome-lineage organelles produced in

melanocytes, has been frequently reported. In addition, melanin synthesis has been shown to be

regulated by mitochondrial dynamics through their fission and fusion.

29 The substantia nigra (SN) is a basal ganglia structure located in the midbrain that plays an

important role in reward and movement. Substantia nigra is Latin for "black substance", reflecting the fact that parts of the substantia nigra appear darker than neighboring areas due to high levels of neuromelanin in dopaminergic neurons. Parkinson's disease is characterized by the loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta.

30 Neuromelanin, one of the most overlooked molecules in modern medicine, is not a spectator.

Robert L. Haining, Ph.D.* and Cindy Achat-MendesNeuromelanin (NM) in the pre-synaptic terminal

of dopamine neurons is emerging as a primary player in the etiology of neurodegenerative

disorders including Parkinson's Disease. This mini-review discusses the interactions between

neuromelanin and different molecules in the synaptic terminal and describes how these

interactions might affect neurodegenerative disorders including Parkinson's

31 TO ADD Encompasses around every organ

32 Psychological Stress and Mitochondria: A Systematic Review. Overall, evidence supports the

notion that acute and chronic stressors influence various aspects of mitochondrial biology, and that

chronic stress exposure can lead to molecular and functional recalibration among mitochondria.

33 In this review, we have discussed emerging evidence indicating that chronic stress generates

maladaptive alterations in mitochondria, which contribute to allostatic processes, ultimately

promoting aging and disease. Together with the extensive body of literature on early adversity,

these findings collectively highlight the critical value of early screening and intervention for

34 Each individual’s thoughts, attitudes and emotions emit energetic fields. These individual field

environments not only affect you, your health and perspective on life, they also can influence your

relationships and experiences in your social field environments as you interact with people, or even

if you are merely in the same room with other people.

35 When ACTH is secreted by the anterior pituitary gland, several other hormones that have similar

chemical structures are secreted simultaneously as melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH),

lipotropin, and endorphin. Under normal conditions, none of these is known to be secreted in

enough quantities to have a significant effect on the body, but this may not be true when the rate of

secretion of ACTH is very high. MSH causes the melanocyte to form melanin pigments. ACTH is

similar to MSH. It has a melanocyte-stimulating effect as MSH.

36 Stress and the dopaminergic reward system - Dopamine regulates reward-related behavior

through the mesolimbic dopaminergic pathway. Upon stress exposure, modulation of the

dopaminergic reward system is necessary for monitoring and selecting the optimal process for

coping with stressful situations. Aversive stressful events may negatively regulate the

dopaminergic reward system, perturbing reward sensitivity, which is closely associated with chronic

37 Spontaneous Formation of Melanin from Dopamine in the Presence of Iron. Parkinson’s disease

is associated with degeneration of neuromelanin (NM)-containing substantia nigra dopamine (DA)

neurons and subsequent decreases in striatal DA transmission.

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