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Uniquely Human

Interactive Tooth Meridian Chart

There are a few structures in the body that make us uniquely human - two of which are our pelvis (which derives its uniquely human form and function from the fact that we are bipedal, upright walking organisms) and - our teeth.

Our teeth, including our dental arch (the shape of our upper palate and jaw) have been directly influenced through the evolution of the foods we’ve consumed. This evolution continues today.

Human teeth are the strongest substance in the body, much stronger than bone. They begin to form approximately 6 weeks after conception. Excluding the wisdom teeth, the normal adult has 32 teeth (16 on both the upper and lower jaws), which typically erupt by age 13: 4 incisors (front teeth), 2 canines (which flank the incisors), 4 premolars, and 6 molars (which extend to the back of the mouth).

Our 4 wisdom teeth typically emerge around age 18, but as we evolve, it is becoming more common to see individuals who have never had wisdom teeth at all. It is believed that this is an evolutionary adaptation due to changes in our diet. Modern man now lives on a diet of soft foods. Unlike our ancient ancestors, we no longer need to crack open bone for its marrow or grind up nuts and roots for food, rendering wisdom teeth unnecessary.

When wisdom teeth do come in, they are often surgically removed due to space issues. If this procedure is performed incorrectly (which often it is), it can lead to cavitation infections within the jawbone where the tooth once resided. This will inhibit bone growth and the resulting infection will persist for years without symptoms. Unbeknownst to the individual, it puts stress on the body’s immune response, most often to the point of collapse.

Cavitations, from a bioregulatory perspective, are one of the underlying and often undiscovered issues for those who cannot seem to regain their health or maintain proper regulation. Clinically, if someone undergoing therapy at our center does not experience a significant positive shift within 3 months, it is almost always due to a dental/oral issue, acting as a blockade to the natural healing process.

As a result, our bioregulatory approach takes into consideration not only possible cavitations, but also each tooth and its association to related organs, body systems, joints, vertebra and acupuncture meridians. This evaluation has made a big impact regarding the wellness achieved with each of our clients. The distal stress placed on the body by the teeth and oral cavity is remarkable. If oral health is ignored by either the practitioner or the client, then complete and lasting healing with a positive outcome is doubtful.

Another point of major concern are root canals, which are achieved by drilling out the root of the tooth, effectively disconnecting it from the central nervous system. This produces a dead tooth, a virtual cadaver in the mouth. This “dead” tooth can act as a reservoir for microbes that may reproduce and migrate to other areas of the body, causing illness and further stress to the immune system in much the same way a cavitation site does. Dr. Thomas Rau, former Medical Director of the Paracelsus Klinik in Switzerland, has noted that almost all breast cancer patients he has treated have had root canaled molar teeth. Interestingly, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, these molar teeth are seated on and connected to the stomach meridian. The stomach meridian passes directly through the center of the breast as it travels along its pathway.

Now, it is not believed that the root canaled teeth had anything to do with the manifestation of breast cancer directly; rather it was shown through biopsy that the same microbes within the breast cancer were appearing in the root canal area of the tooth. This migration, if left undetected, leaves the woman who may have survived breast cancer with the potential of having the same microbes disperse from the root canal through the bloodstream - potentially reinfecting the woman in the future. In the case of autoimmunity and other degenerative diseases such as cancer, MS, ALS, Parkinson’s disease etc., or if regaining one’s health has become a struggle, it is always wise to investigate the dental/oral condition. The bioregulatory approach to root canals is to have them appropriately extracted by a biological dentist who can ensure that cavitation infection will be avoided.

It is very clear within the community of bioregulatory-trained medical doctors and practitioners that “sick” teeth contribute to illness and disease and, at the very least, strain the immune system. The care of our teeth and our mouth’s microbiome is vital to long-term good health.

Case study verifying the importance of oral/dental health in regard to symptoms of a recurring bladder infection

A few years ago, a client came to us experiencing the symptoms of a bladder infection. She had been involved with bioregulatory therapy at our center for a few years, and wished to address her symptoms without the use of antibiotics. Upon investigation, we discovered that she had been symptomatic for the previous 4 weeks. She requested remedies that had worked well in the past and out the door she went.

One week later, she returned and unlike her past recovery, reported that she was still suffering. At this point, 5 weeks had passed and her symptoms seemed to be getting worse. We asked if anything had changed a week or two preceding the onset of symptoms. She thought for a moment, and told us that her dentist had been working on a tooth to change her bite and that he had done so on consecutive visits. When I asked which tooth he had been working on, she pointed to her 2nd incisor, tooth #26. This tooth is associated with the bladder meridian. I had her reach up and hold the tooth and apply a slight twisting pressure from the outside to the inside, as I performed a simple muscle test (applied kinesiology). Her system was unable to maintain a locked muscle, yet when she applied pressure from an inside to outside direction her ability to lock her muscle returned. I suggested she go back to her office and every 15 minutes reach up and apply slight pressure to the tooth in that direction. By 3 o’clock that afternoon, after doing nothing more than applying a little manual pressure in one direction to the tooth, all her bladder infection symptoms had resolved.

Without taking into account the bigger picture and only following her symptomatology, she very well may have ended up on antibiotics and most likely lacking positive results for her bladder discomfort. By stepping back and investigating what was happening weeks before her symptoms presented, and through the understanding of the connection between our teeth, organs, and meridians, her symptoms were relieved with a simple solution.

Within our bioregulatory approach, we always take note that distal symptoms can very easily be created by dental work. Our relationship with our client is key - as is maintaining open communication regarding treatments they receive elsewhere.

Today we not only investigate a person’s oral/dental situation when we first meet - we also stay informed as to their plans for any future dental work. We of course prefer and recommend only biologically trained dentists. We continually communicate with the dentists and educate the client to ensure we are setting everyone up for successful outcomes.

Educating the public about the connection between our health and our teeth is both challenging and rewarding. But most importantly, incorporating a well trained biological dentist into your healthcare team will not only help maintain healthy teeth and a healthy oral microbiome, but will also support us in following a bioregulatory lifestyle.

Ian Kennedy is the Founder and Head Clinician of The True Wellness Center in Pennsylvania.

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