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Is spirituality important?

Is spirituality important?

Is spirituality important?

I enjoy watching "Sternstunden" (Great Moments) on SRF1, the public service Swiss TV station. Today "Sternstunden Religion" (Great Moments of Religion) was about "Spiritual Care", accompanying people in critical life situations, regardless of religion or belief. An impressive graphic was shown, how steeply the number of publications with the term "spirituality" has risen since the beginning of 2000.

For me spirituality has always been an important part of my personal view of the world since my teenage days. That's why I was always in contact with such literature, people and experience and it was something I took for granted. Therefore, this diagram surprised me positively, because I was not conscious that spirituality has obviously an increasing societal meaning. When I look into the world from my perspective, I could not yet see that. All the more I am pleased to take note of this great increase.

What do I mean by spirituality?

The word spirituality comes from the Latin word "spiritus" and means spirit or breath. If I ask ten different people what they understand by spirituality, I will probably get at least ten different answers.

I have found a definition of Siegfried Trebuch that I like: "The exploration of my inner processes (thinking and feeling) and how one can consciously use them in order to lead a meaningful and fulfilled life is what I call spirituality".

This means for me to consciously reflect on my thoughts and feelings. Why do I react in certain situations with condemnations, rejection, fear, anger, pain, joy, affection? Who is the one who perceives and interprets these thoughts and feelings? The closer I get to this source of my being, the closer I get to my spiritual core. And the more independent this kind of spirituality is of fixed belief systems, dogmas or religion, then spirituality becomes an experience.

When we connect with other people from this kind of experience, then I believe we automatically connect compassionately, understandingly and acceptingly. And that is for me living spirituality.

Is spirituality important to you? I am looking forward to your comments and inputs.

I wish you an inspiring week.

Light & Love Wolfgang

Wolfgang A. Haas is on the Board of BRMI.

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