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Dr. Hans-Heinrich Gustav, Dietrich Reckeweg, MD, the founder of homotoxicology, was born May 9th, 1905, in Herford Nordrhein-Westfallen, just south of Hamburg (in what was then the Prussian Province of Westphalia). Reckeweg was no ordinary doctor and homeopath, he creatively developed new medicines exclusively using substances of natural origin and developed this approach to help the body activate its self-regulatory and detoxifying mechanisms. This has resulted in new preparing monographs of its products in collaboration with the German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. 

Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg was the son of Heinrich Reckeweg (1877-1944). Heinrich Reckeweg was an elementary school teacher in Herford when Hans-Heinrich was born. In the following years Hans-Heinrich’s father developed a chronic illness. In 1919 he suffered from kidney disease, and in 1924 the consequences of tuberculosis and a disorder in his throat lead to his premature pension. 

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Hans-Heinrich Gustav Dietrich Reckeweg, MD

(May 9th, 1905 - June 13, 1985)

Through this time young Hans-Heinrich became interested in medicine, especially homeopathy, partly influenced by his father utilizing homeopathy to treat his chronic maladies. Hans-Heinrich’s father was very pleased that his eldest son pursued medicine.

Young Han-Heinrich had many very diverse interests. He was an accomplished pianist and as an adult practiced to such expertise that he performed for audiences. Later he started painting in his free time. During his medical studies, he was already keenly interested in toxicology and natural medicine. From 1924 to 1930 Hans-Heinrich studied medicine in Wurzburg, Munster, Berlin, and Bonn. In Berlin, he studied with Professor August Bier who greatly influenced young Reckeweg to pursue homeopathic studies.

In 1928 he passed the state medical examination, and in 1930 he received his doctorate in medicine in Bonn. His doctoral thesis was the dietetic treatment of stomach ulcers. 

His mother was Emmi (Ella) Marie Friederike Fricke (1882 -1973). Han-Heinrich had three siblings, all born in Herford: Ilse Minna Clementine Mathilde Reckeweg (1907-1979), Siegfried Reckeweg (1910 to 1979), Alfred Reckeweg (1908 to unknown).

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Heinrich Reckeweg (1877-1944)

Early Physician Years and Marital History


From 1930 to 1932 Dr. Reckeweg was an assistant doctor in the Knappschaftskrankenhaus Völklingen hospital and the internal medicine department of the Hamburg-Harburg hospital. 

Around this time, his first marriage was to Margarete Josefa Stehle (1909 to 1997). After marring they moved to Berlin and had two children: Christa Steinleitner (1951 to 2012) and Jürgen Herrmann Alfred Reckeweg (1936 to 2006).

Later in life Dr. Reckeweg divorced and remarried Klara Barbara Müller (1916 to 1979).

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After his 2 years as a ‘junior doctor’ he started his private practice in 1935. As usual in that time he had also dispensing rights. As he was using his homemade homeopathic formulas, he needed a laboratory to have them at his disposal. Thus, he created the company HEEL as a manufacturing and research laboratory to develop his remedies.

In 1936 he founded the drug company Heel , the name of which is an acronym from the phrase “ H erba E st E x L uce” (“the medicinal plant draws its strength from sunlight”). In 1941, Hitler declared war on the United States. Following Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor on 7th December, the United States declared war on Japan. Under the terms of the Anti-Comintern Pack, Hitler was bound to declare war on the United States. As with many physicians living in Germany, Dr. Reckeweg was quickly commissioned into the German Armed Forces and served in the war until he was captured. He then spent the rest of the war in a prison camp.

In 1946, Dr. Reckeweg was released from captivity and moved to Triberg in the Black Forrest. He recovered valuable homeopathic remedies and original tinctures from what was left of HEEL in Berlin. Dr. Reckeweg reopened a private practice and the company HEEL began anew.

reckeweg heel



Between 1948 and 1949 Dr. Reckeweg developed the doctrine of homotoxicology and antihomotoxic therapy. Homotoxicology is based on principles of terrain theory and that diseases are caused by homotoxins. According to Dr. Reckeweg, illnesses are agent-determined reactive processes (regulatory processes) in which homotoxins can cause the body to react with inflammation. 


He described a homotoxin as “any substance that creates a direct or indirect toxic burden in the human organism.” The target structure of the homotoxin is the extracellular matrix. The extracellular matrix or space acts as a molecular sieve between the capillary system, the lymph vessels, and the cells which are to be supplied with nutrients or have their waste removed. All substances and information reaching a cell are filtered through the molecular sieve of the extracellular matrix (ground substance). The sieve can become clogged but can be restored to functionality through appropriate detoxification measures. According to Reckeweg, homotoxins are divided into two groups: exogenous and endogenous. Exogenous homotoxins are substances that originate outside the body, in the environment, and have a direct or indirect toxic effect on tissues, organs or regulation mechanisms. Endogenous homotoxins are created by the body itself. These are mostly metabolic intermediary or end products such as acids and free radicals. These toxic substances that accumulate in the body become a burden when we can’t eliminate them through normal physiological processes.

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Homotoxicology represents a unique synthesis of healing disciplines designed to strengthen the organs of detoxification and excretion, to remove the toxins accumulated in the extracellular matrix, to stimulate and modulate the immune system, and to regulate the whole by rebalancing the diseased body system. The methodology of homotoxicology differs from that of conventional medicine in that illness is viewed as much more than the mere presence of clinical symptoms. Homotoxicology therapy approaches the patient wholistically. It attempts to detoxify the body, to correct derailed immunological processes through immunomodulation, and to support cells and organs. Illness indicates that the body is trying to eliminate something that is toxic, and that the process of elimination will probably appear as a disease if the self-healing detoxification is not achieved. This concept is rather contrary to Western medical thought. The understanding of homotoxicology, coupled with the application of homeopathy, works to enhance the self-healing processes by removing toxicity, not by masking it. Allopathic drugs are generally designed to relieve symptoms (suppress symptoms) rather than relieve the toxic burden that are the cause of symptoms. Even antibiotics, undeniably useful, but subjected to over-use, do not attack the original toxin, but rather the biological result of the toxicity.


Reckeweg formulated an essential tenet of Homotoxicology, as follows: “According to Homotoxicology, all those processes, syndromes and manifestations which we designate as diseases are the expression thereof that the body is combating poisons and that it wants to neutralize and excrete these poisons. The body either wins or loses the fight thereby. Those processes which we designate as diseases are always biological, that is, natural teleological processes which serve poison defense and detoxification.” Homotoxicology usually pursues an indication-based approach. Most anti-homotoxic preparations contain complexes of remedies in the low to middle ranges of dilution. Each preparation carries an indication, facilitating its use. There is no need, therefore, to determine individual remedy choice or potency. Making use of conventional medical indications connects anti-homotoxic medicine with allopathy while its use of potentized substances unites it with homeopathy. Therefore, anti-homotoxic therapy is the connecting link between conventional (allopathic) medicine and homeopathy.

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Hans Heinrich Reckeweg (1948)

Anti-homotoxic medicine usually pursues an indication-oriented approach. The anti- homotoxic remedies predominantly represent mixtures of substances of low to middle potencies. Through practical application in homoeopathy, it became obvious that the use of concentrated or poisonous tinctures could damage the patient and that, therefore, they could only be used in homoeopathic dilutions, i.e., potencies. This practice was scientifically supported by Rudolf Arndt (psychiatrist, 1835-1900) and Hugo Schulz (pharmacologist, 1853- 1932) through a quantitative differentiation of the medicinal effect on bio-systems and still applies as the Arndt-Schulz Principle. It states:

  • weak stimuli stimulate the life functions (retro-action of homoeopathic preparations)

  • moderately strong stimuli accelerate them

  • strong stimuli act as inhibitors

  • the strongest stimuli suspend the life functions


Since several tissue-incompatible substances are usually involved during the development of a disease, the simultaneous use of several potentized “antitoxins”, as present in the anti- homotoxic preparations, is justified.

Against the background of the conflicting medicinal and therapeutic concepts promulgated in humoral pathology, cellular pathology, molecular pathology, and related fields including modern cybernetics, Dr. Reckeweg formulated Homotoxicology in 1952. This conception was developed from homoeopathy for the purpose of providing a holistic perspective on the synthesis of medical science.

mortar and pestel

The Ground Regulation


This refers to the local regulation possibilities of the ground system along with its superimposed nervous, hormonal, and humoral regulation systems. The ground system is composed of the ground substance plus cellular, humoral, and nervous components. The ground substance (extracellular matrix) is formed of highly polymerized sugars (proteoglycans and glycosaminoglycans) plus structural and meshing glycoproteins.

Every organism requires energy to maintain its vital functions which must be continuously provided by the metabolism. Therefore, disorders of the energy metabolism impair the energy supply which is controlled by the endogenic regulation. The organism is an energetically open system for which suitable energy (in the form of food) must be supplied, and unsuitable energy must be evacuated. In this manner an unstable state of order can be maintained, far from a thermodynamic balance, for a longer period (“life-span”). All reactions of the organism proceed at relatively low temperatures in the aqueous milieu; therefore, they must be accelerated, i.e., catalyzed. The prerequisite for an effective catalysis is suitable substrates between and in the cells. Because the extracellular space is in front of the cells, the cells can only react as they have been informed via the extracellular space. The dynamic structure of the extracellular space and its regulation (“Ground regulation”) have therefore a decisive impact on the effectiveness of extracellular and intracellular catalysts. This depends on the structure of the ground substance (extracellular matrix and/or matrix). It forms in all cells and cell groups a molecular sieve of matrix components such as highly polymerized sugar protein complexes and sugar complexes (proteoglycans-glycosaminoglycans, PG/GAGs), structural proteins (collagen, elastin) and meshing glycoproteins (e.g., fibronectin). The PG/GAGs are electro-negatively charged and are therefore able to bind water and exchange ions as well. They are therefore the guarantors for isoiony, isoosmy, and isotony in the matrix-meshing glycoproteins.

Heel Production

HEEL Production

Six Phase Table of Homotoxicology


The Six-Phase-Table illustrates the chronological courses of various symptoms of a disease within the framework of the ground regulation. The single phases are transient into each other and demonstrate typical phasal indicating signs. In his treatises on homotoxicology, Reckeweg elaborated on this idea. Reckeweg's six-phase table describes the body’s reaction against homotoxins in six mechanistic defense phases. These phases are arranged into two categories: humoral and cellular and are divided from each other by what is referred to as the “biological division.” Reckeweg described “progressive vicariation” of illnesses (deterioration, or disease progression) and “regressive vicariation" (healing). The following describes each phase of reaction to homotoxins and appropriate therapeutic strategies for regressive vicariation.

The six-phase table illustrates the chronological courses of various symptoms of disease within the framework of the ‘ground regulation’. The individual phases are transient into each other and demonstrate typical phase-indicating signs. The six-phase table is subdivided into three sections (humoral phases, matrix phases, cellular phases) each of which contains two phases. The biological division runs within the matrix phases.


A) The humoral phases

In the humoral phases the intracellular systems are not disturbed. The defense system is intact and can excrete the homotoxins via various paths.

1. Excretion phase: This phase contains manifestations of increased physiological excretion mechanisms.

2. Inflammation phase: Illnesses of this phase are marked by an exudative inflammation that enables an accelerated excretion of toxins from the body.


B) The matrix phases

In these phases, for the first time, the homotoxins are deposited in the mesh of the extracellular matrix. Through time its structural components and functions are altered. In the case of continuing illness, increasing stress and damage of the intracellular structures result.

3. Deposition phase: In this phase the excretion mechanisms of the body are overworked, and toxins are deposited in the matrix. This phase often progresses with few symptoms.

4. Impregnation phase: Diseases in this phase are characterized by the presence of toxins that become a part of the connective tissue and the matrix, along with changes in the structural components and their function. The typically increasingly severe symptoms of this phase demonstrate damage to organ cells and function.

C) The cellular phases

During the cellular phases of a disease, cell systems are increasingly destroyed. The defense system is no longer able to excrete the toxins from the cells or out of the matrix by virtue of its own strength. Typical for these patients is the so-called ‘regulation rigidity.’

5. Degeneration phase: During this phase, courses of disease cause serious damage, and the destruction of larger cell groups of an organ occurs.

6. Dedifferentiation (neoplasm) phase: Diseases of this phase are characterized by the development of undifferentiated, non-specialized cell forms. Malignant diseases stand at the end of this phase.

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Homotoxicology Six-Phase Table



The term ‘vicariation’ refers to the transition of the indicating signs of an illness within one phase to another organ system, or the change of fundamental symptoms into another phase with or without a change of the organ system. Progressive vicariation refers to an aggravation of the total symptoms of an illness. Regressive vicariation refers to an improvement of the total symptoms of an illness.


By introducing the vicariation principle into antihomotoxic therapy, Reckeweg pointed out the dynamics of every disease and/or recovery process. The interrelationships which exist between a bio-system and the damaging homotoxins vary continuously during an illness and the recovery process. The purposeful, self-regulatory forces of the organism usually are retained during illnesses up to and including phases of the Six-phase Table of Homotoxicosis.


Biological Division


The biological division refers to the imaginary boundary between the deposition and impregnation phases. It demarcates the pure deposition in the matrix from the integration of toxins into its structural components. Whereas a simple excretion of toxins is possible during the deposition phase, structural and functional changes are found in the impregnation phase. Thus, the spontaneous endogenic excretion of homotoxins is impeded.


After the Biological Division is crossed, from phase 4 onward, self-regulation and self-recovery are practically no longer possible for the organism. In this case, a multi therapeutic approach is required to achieve recovery. Following regressive vicariation, a disease often enters phase 2 or 3. This typically requires a change of the antihomotoxic preparation because in phase 2 a symptomatically indicated acute remedy is usually necessary. In phases 2 and 3, which belong to the humoral phases, the self-regulatory capacity of the organism is still present, so that only stimulative medication is required to initiate inflammatory mechanisms, particularly in the matrix. Usually, the excretion of the disease occurs via the skin or the mucous membranes. Increased perspiration, sputum, strong formation of urine, light diarrhea, and fever are welcome signs of a shift out of the cellular disease phases which indicates an improvement of the basic illness.


Further descriptions of Homotoxicology may be found here. 

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Dr. Han-Heinrich Reckeweg (1957)

Combination Remedies and Homaccordes


Building upon the foundation Samuel Hahnemann, M.D. homeopathy, Dr. Reckeweg made a compilation of homeopathic single and combination remedies for the treatment of various diseases from a homotoxicology point of view. In creating homotoxicology remedies Dr. Reckeweg departed from the strict homeopathic tradition established by Dr. Hahnemann, who postulated that only one remedy should be used at a time. Dr. Reckeweg instead showed that since multiple remedies did the same thing, it would be prudent to add several to one formula and let the patient’s system “resonate to” or “choose” the one that it wanted. Considering that potencies need to become more and more dilute, he would add multiple potencies of the same remedies, and let the patient’s system choose not only which remedy it wanted, but which potency of the remedy it wanted.



To understand homotoxicology it is necessary to review homeopathic potency. Homeopathic medicine potency is generally described by a two-part, number and letter designation. You will see the potencies referred to as, 12X, 6C, 30C, 10M, or 6LM. The number part indicates the number of times the source substance has been homeopathically diluted. The Letter portion indicates the dilution rate. X being the roman numeral 10, is the slowest dilution rate of 1/10 and LM is the fastest dilution rate of 1/50,000.

Potency is the strength of a homeopathic remedy.


Homeopathy makes substances into healing remedies by diluting and succussion (shaking). Diluting negates any problems with substances that may be harmful in their raw state. Succussion enhances the healing properties of substances. The Potency strength is shown after the remedy name as a Roman Numeral along with a number that indicates the repetitions of dilutions and succussing. Decimal designation is X. Centesimal designation is C. Millesimal designation is M.


Mother Tincture

A Mother Tincture is the original standardized preparation of a substance from which homeopathic potencies are made.



Decimal potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 10 parts dilutions. Designated with an X (in Europe designated with a D) after the remedy name. X potencies are considered low potencies. X potency is often used for children, sudden illness, and first aid treatment. Decimal represents dilutions that are manufactured by mixing 1 part of the starting material with 9 parts of the diluting solution. Each subsequent dilution repeats the process of 1:10 dilution. A 6X dilution, for example, has gone through the process 6 times and contains 1 part of starting material per 1 million parts of the final solution. Dilutions of 24X or greater are unlikely to contain a single molecule of the original substance.


Dr. Reckeweg (1969)



Centesimal potency is based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 99 parts dilutions. Designated with a C after the remedy name. C potencies are considered medium potencies. C potency is often used for seasonal problems and chronic conditions. The designation "C," which is the Roman numeral for 100, represents dilutions that are manufactured by mixing one part of the starting material with 99 parts of the diluting solution. Each subsequent dilution repeats the process of 1:100 dilution. A 6C dilution, for example, has gone through the process 6 times and contains 1 part of starting material per 1 trillion parts of the final solution. Dilutions of 12C or greater are unlikely to contain a single molecule of the original substance. M - potency based on the ratio of 1 part substance to 1000 parts dilution. Designated with an M after the remedy name.

M potencies are considered high potencies. Please note letter "M" stands for the number 1000 in Latin. Thus, M potency would mean the same as 1M (which is 1×1000). Now if we put it all together, potency numbers 1000, 1000C, M, or 1M indicate the same thing. Similarly, 30 and 30C would mean the same potency. So is the case with 200 and 200C. For example, a CM potency would mean 100M, or a hundred thousand.

LM - The millesimal (LM) scale diluting the remedy by 1 part to 49,999 for each potency.

• Lower potencies X stay in the body for a short period of time and can be used safely for repeat dosing. Helpful for first aid treatment, trauma, recovery from injury. and preventative dosing. X potencies are used for 1st Aid, trauma, recovery from injury, preventative dosing, sudden illness, seasonal problems, general family use.

• Medium potencies C are used for first aid, seasonal ailments, and chronic health concerns.

• 200C is in the high range of the C potencies. 200C follows 30C potency well for stubborn symptoms.

• High potencies M. for health problems or constitutional treatment. Very high potencies may stay working in the body for months.

• High LM potencies are very popular and safe for dealing with children’s ailments, sensitive people, and emotional issues. Dilution Rates X or D = 1/10 C = 1/100 M = 1/1000 LM = 1/50,000

Reckeweg also further developed the concept of the Homaccorde. Homaccords contain one or several active substances in respective potency chords.


Usually a:

  • low potency is combined with

  • a medium potency and

  • a higher potency.


Initial Aggravations

As is known, initial aggravations occur particularly often during the administration of higher potencies given individually. Initial aggravations are that when a remedy of a higher potency is given there can be a reaction, which although may be annoying it does mean that the remedy is correct and is stimulating healing. Homaccordes due to their mixed potencies reduces this reaction. This multipotent form – among other applications – is particularly appropriate for treating chronic illnesses.


In 1952, Dr. Reckeweg wrote The Integrated Bio-Regulatory Medical System of Homotoxicology, which is the bridge between classical homeopathy and conventional medicine. Dr. Reckeweg developed a staging system of illness and healing processes. He described how both illness and healing progress logically, eliciting symptoms and regulatory reactions in the body. In 1954, the HEEL firm relocated to its current location in Baden-Baden, Germany. After moving to Baden-Baden the expansion of the Heel remedies greatly increased and Heel became a leader in homeopathic remedies and sales.

Dr. Reckeweg was a great lecturer and was able to deeply inform the public and physicians on the principles of bioregulatory medicine and homotoxicology. After years of practice, many lectures, and articles, in 1955 he published his book entitled Homotoxins and Homotoxicoses - Basics of a Synthesis of Medicine. Still today this work inspires many students in gaining more in-depth knowledge on homotoxicology.

In 1961, Dr. Reckeweg founded the International Society of Homotoxicology to group the homotoxicological practitioners. This was the first in Germany and later became international. The Homotoxin Journal was an instrument to inform the practitioners about new insights into homotoxicology, successful protocols, congresses, etc.  In 1972 the Homotoxin journal disappeared and was replaced by the medical journal Biologische Medizin (Biological Medicine).

HEEL Production Facility Reckeweg

HEEL Production Facility (1963)


Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH is now located in Baden-Baden, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, and is part of the Pharmaceutical and Medicine Manufacturing Industry. Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH has 900 employees at this location. There are approximately 192 companies in the Biologische Heilmittel Heel GmbH corporate family.

In the years that followed Dr. Reckeweg was very productive in publishing books on different homotoxicology themes. He even published a Materia Medica and a repertory dedicated purely to the components he was using in his formulas. In 1978, Dr. Reckeweg sold his company and immigrated to the United States. He moved his family to Albuquerque, New Mexico, and founded a new company BHI (Biological Homeopathic Industries) to further develop and sell homotoxicology remedies. He created a range of 52 new products, known as the BHI-products. Upon the death of Dr. Reckeweg in 1985, BHI's name was changed to Heel. Today Heel is the exclusive manufacturer and distributor of Heel products to health care practitioners and retailers throughout the U.S.

At the beginning of the 1980s, Dr. Reckeweg suffered a stroke from which he never fully recovered. He transferred ownership of his American company to his daughter Monica Doerper-Reckeweg and his son in law Friedrich Doerper.

Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg passed at the age of 80 on June 13, 1985, in Bircher-Benner Hospital, Zürich. Dr. Reckeweg spent his life in the pursuit of uniting the art of homeopathy with the body’s bioregulatory processes, to address the increasing number of multidimensional diseases and deep-seated chronic illnesses present today.


Homotoxicology therapy today addresses every aspect of healing from preventative health to the whole pathology of an ill patient. It promotes self-healing, reduces and eliminates toxins, promotes organ and cellular function, and supports a strong immune system. From this system Dr. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg left the world a healing legacy.  


Published Works of Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg


Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. "Die Geschichte der diätetischen Therapie des Magenulcus." PhD diss., Kubens, 1930.

Reckeweg, Hans Heinrich. Homotoxine und homotoxikosen: grundlagen einer synthese der medizin. Aurelia-Verlag, 1955.

Reckeweg, Hans H. "L'homotoxicologie." Enfermedad y curación con tera (1955).

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Die Homotoxinlehre, ihre Beziehungen zu Klinik und Forschung. Aurelia-Verlag, 1956.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Über die Grundlagen der Homöopathie. Aurelia-Verlag, 1958.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Vom Sinn der Entzündung: Anh.: Kurzfassung der Homotoxinlehre; erw. Fass. e. Vortr. Aurelia-Verlag, 1959.


Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Die Homotoxinlehre als Fundament der allgemeinen Pathologie und Therapie: besprochen vom Autor. Aurelia-Verlag, 1961.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Ordinatio antihomotoxica et materia medica. Heel, 1967.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Homotoxikologie: Ganzheitsschau einer Synthese der Medizin. Aurelia-Verlag, 1976.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich, Wirkungen des Schweinefleisches, Homotoxikologie des Schweinefleisches, Spezielle Belastungsstoffe des Schweinefleisches, and Sexualhormone als Karzinogene. Schweinefleisch und Gesundheit. Aurelia-Verlag, 1977.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Homotoxikologie: Ganzheitsschau einer Synthese der Medizin; eine Sammlung von Vorträgen und Aufsätzen. Aurelia-Verlag, 1978.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. "Krebsprobleme." (1978).

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Materia Medicahomoeopathia Antihomotoxica, Vol. I. Aurelia-Verlag Gmbh, 1983.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Omotossicologia: prospettiva per una sintesi della medicina: antologia di relazioni e monografie del prof. Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg. Guna, 1988.

Reckeweg, H. H. (1989). Homotoxicology: illness and healing through anti-homotoxic therapy. Menaco Publishing Company.


Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. "Homotoxicology." Illness and Healing through Anti-homotoxic Therapy. АигеИа-Vering, Baden-Baden (1994).

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. "Materia Medica Homoeopathia Antihomotoxica, Volume I: A Selective Pharmacology." Baden-Baden: Aurelia-Verlag GmbH (1996).

Reckeweg, Monika Doerper, and Peter Maschke. "Sechs Phasen zwischen gesund und krank: das Leben des Begründers der Homotoxikologie Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg." Forum-Medizin-Verlag-Ges., 1996.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. "Biotherapeutic Index: Ordinatio Antihomotoxica et Materia Medica." (2000): 10.

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Materia medica omeopatica: l'essenza farmacologica dell'omotossicologia. Guna, 2002.

Reckeweg, Hans Heinrich. "premijos skyrimas 2003 metais."

Reckeweg, Hans-Heinrich. Homoeopathia antihomotoxica: Symptomen-und Modalitätenverzeichnis mit Arzneimittellehre. Aurelia, 2005.

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