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SEMANA DE MEDICAMENTOS BADEN-BADEN 30 de octubre - 5 de noviembre de 2018

Asesores de BRMI Kimchi Moyer, L.Ac. Y
La Dra. Sharon Stills, NMD dirigió una gira especial de habla inglesa de 7 días a la
52a edición anual de Medizinische Woche (el Congreso más grande y antiguo de Europa sobre Medicina Biológica) en Baden-Baden, Alemania.

Los asistentes fueron invitados a conferencias exclusivas , se mezclaron con algunos de los pioneros más buscados del mundo en terapias bioreguladoras modernas , y visitaron el laboratorio médico privado solo por invitación del Sr. Dieter Jossner.

Medicine Week Baden-Baden

Haga clic abajo para fotos ...

A town long known for its cures.

A town long known for its cures.

Kongresshaus Baden-Baden

Kongresshaus Baden-Baden

4 floors of exhibitors!

4 floors of exhibitors!

Our home away from home.

Our home away from home.

Rest up for the event-packed week.

Rest up for the event-packed week.

Just a short walk from the hotel.

Just a short walk from the hotel.

Soak in the sights!

Soak in the sights!

2 spas: Caracalla & Friedrichsbad

2 spas: Caracalla & Friedrichsbad

The world-famous Casino!

The world-famous Casino!

Farewell dinner at Neuweier Castle.

Farewell dinner at Neuweier Castle.

Y haga clic abajo para una muestra de video de   Expositores ...

Baden-Baden Exhibitors
Bioregulatory Medicine Exhibitors

BRMI visits with BIOBEE

Singlet Oxygen Therapy: BRMI visits with AIRNERGY

Magnetic Wave Therapy: BRMI visits with Tera Force

"We Love Plants": BRMI visits with Ceres Heilmittel

Vibrational Sound & Light Therapy: BRMI visits with gracent

Sacred Geometry: Zervana Holograms

Protecting ourselves from 5G: Dieter Jossner on his latest Medical Electronics devices (2019)

Photon Energy and Light Noise Detection: a demonstration of Medical Electronics' latest devices

"Electrosmog" Protection: BRMI visits with Biovitronic

Laser therapy: BRMI visits with Laserneedle GmbH

Colon Hydrotherapy: BRMI visits with Eich-Colon

Homeopathic Remedies Technology - BRMI visits with Homöoprint

Relaxation Therapy: BRMI visits with lounge8

Mycotherapy: BRMI visits with Hifas da Terra

"Awakening the power of the cells" - BRMI visits with Dr. Theurer, CEO of vitOrgan

Pulsating Cupping Therapy: BRMI visits with HeVaTech

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