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Acupuncture and Energetic Anatomy

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Biophoton Emission in Biological Systems

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Bioregulatory Medicine and Systems Biology

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Bioregulatory Dentistry; Periodontal Disease, Endodontical Treated Teeth and Oral Toxicology


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Chronic Stress and the Lymphatic System


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Contact Regulation Thermography

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Fever Therapy

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Medical Ethics


Hirokuni Beppu, Masumi Minaguchi, Kiyoshi Uchide, Kunihiko Kumamoto, Masato Sekiguchi, Yukari Yaju. Lessons learnt in Japan from adverse reactions to the HPV vaccine: a medical ethics perspective. doi:


Mistletoe Extract Therapy (Viscum Album)

Friedel WE, Matthes H, Bock PR, et al.
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Neural Therapy

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Ozone Therapy

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Thermography - See Contact Regulation Thermography.

Thymus Therapy - Thymus Peptides

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Wilhelm Reich - Orgone Energy

DeMeo, James., et al. In Defense of Wilhelm Reich: An Open Response to Nature and the Scientific/Medical Community. doi: 10.14294/WATER.2012.6.



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