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The diagnostics of bioregulatory medicine are multilayered to keep pace with the complexity of the human mind-body. It is a wholistic, evidence-based science that views each of us as a unique matrix of interconnectedness - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.


Bioregulatory medicine believes in a multidiagnostic approach - to optimize discovery of the causative factors that are involved in illness, and to best formulate an individualized treatment plan.

The diagnostic modalities of bioregulatory medicine are as individual and varied as the creative processes of the practitioners who use them. Diagnostic skill is a science, an art, and an intuitive, experience-based process.

BioReg diagnostics search beyond the conventional paradigm of pathophysiological disorders of structure, function and information into the arenas of system regulation, bioenergtic and psychoemotional imbalances. The following is just a sample representation of some of the most frequently encountered diagnostic modalities in bioreguatory medicine, presented within a holographic “Plane Model”.


Crossovers from one plane to another are expected. Solo diagnostics (using only one methodology) or an assessment only within one “Plane” is considered too limited.

Many of these assessments are also used as monitoring mechanisms for therapeutic responses.


diagnostic planes


While the primary tools of a bioregulatory medicine practitioner are just like those of any other physician (lab tests, bloodwork, Xrays, scans, scopes, detailed histories, physicals), the bioregulatory medicine practitioner employs additional tools, so that the patient might be examined on multiple levels, offering a deeper perspective on one’s health.

5 Planes of BioReg

(where conventional
medicine usually ends)

Informational Plane
  • Inquiry – medical history; also, possible environmental toxins - ie, what has the patient been exposed to? Is their workplace toxic? Is there mold in the home?

  • Genomic and genetic testing and molecular laboratory assessments

  • Laboratory chemistry, hematology, toxicology

  • Laboratory micronutrient testing to assess nutritional status and other nutritional assessments such as fatty acid and essential fatty acids, amino acids, and organic acids

  • Laboratory hormonal assessments: neurotransmitters, steroidal hormones such as cortisol, DHEA, testosterone, estrogens and progesterone, thyroid hormones profiles

  • Diagnostic microbiology

  • Blood type (O, A, B, AB)

  • Traditional Asian body and facial physiognomy

  • Traditional Asian medicine tongue signs

  • Traditional Ayurvedic and Tibetan iris and sclera signs; European Bioregulatory Medicine Iridology or Irisdiagnostic resp. Pathophysiognostics according to Natale Ferronato and others

  • Electrodermal screening (EDS), VEGA EDS
    Applied kinesiology


  • Radionics or radiesthesia


Psychoemotional Plane
  • Inquiry – history taking, a time line of important life events such as trauma and loss, current emotions and pertinent beliefs

  • Applied kinesiology - aka autonomic response testing

  • Electrodermal screening (EDS)

  • Radionics or radiesthesia

  • Color Psychology (Lüscher™ Color Test)

Bioenergy Plane


  • Palpation of acupuncture points

  • Traditional Chinese medicine, Tibetan medicine and Ayurvedic medicine pulse character diagnosis

  • Electrodermal screening (EDS)

  • Electrodiagnosis such as electrocardiography, electromyography and electroencephalography

  • Applied kinesiology or autonomic response testing (ART)

  • Radionics or radiesthesia

  • Aura color photography

Regulation & Functional Plane


  • Physical exam

  • Surgical exam

  • Radiograph - x-ray

  • Computer axial tomography (CT or CAT Scan)

  • Magnetic resonance imaging

  • PET scan

  • Mammography

  • Ultrasound imaging

  • Endoscopy examination – such as colonoscopy.

  • Histology - biopsy

  • Cytology

Structural Plane

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© 2017-2025 Dr. James Odell, ND, OMD, L.Ac. 

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