Is it Possible to Forgive When Something Really Bad Happened?
Wolfgang A. Haas “Forgiveness is like a feather. it brings lightness and gentleness.” - unknown - This article gives an introduction and...
ADD/ADHD as a Coping Mechanism?
By Ian Kennedy, The True Wellness Center While there has been extensive research on the causes of attention-deficit/hyperactivity...
Spring Clean Your Attitude: How To Have A Better Outlook On Life
by Jennifer Margulis Thich Nhat Hanh, the renown Vietnamese Zen master, doesn’t like to rush. When he used to walk to give lectures or...
BEGIN AGAIN, Trauma, Disease and Healing with the Brain Protocol and Biological Medicine
Book written by Dr. Dickson Thom With over 20 years of clinical experience with hundreds of patients, this book outlines the effects that...
Exercise: Physical and Mental Wellbeing Is a Family Affair
Dr. Marlene Siegel, DVM Everyone understands that exercise is important to the overall health of an individual, but many pet owners are...
The Rediscovery of Methylene Blue
James Odell, OMD, ND, L.Ac. Ever since German chemist Heinrich Caro first created methylene blue (MB) as a dye in 1876, it later became...
By Ian Kennedy There is a whirlwind of noise upon our senses. This leaves many people with little to no ability to become silent, or to...
Clinical Pearl: Memories are Stored in the Body Throughout Generations
by Ian Kennedy 'To further a more scientific substantiation to the premise of the body memories there was a study done at Emory...
Matters of The Heart
Ian Kennedy Of all the internal organs that allow us to function, it is the heart that has over the span of humanity received more...
Is a Limbic System Impairment Hijacking Your Health?
Jonathan Streit, DC Understanding the limbic system’s role in your health is pivotal to identifying whether or not you have a limbic...
Cutting The Cords That No Longer Serve You: Lighten Your Life
You know most people would not consciously think of carting around 40 pounds of luggage everywhere they go. And yet, many of us do this all
Mudras: Sacred Hand Gestures
The Sanskrit word mudras means seal, mark or gesture. Mudras are sacred hand gestures or positions that are used to evoke different...
Dream Bioregulation
“We wake from one dream into another dream.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson From ancient times (when dreams were considered to hold prophetic...
Is spirituality important?
Is spirituality important? I enjoy watching "Sternstunden" (Great Moments) on SRF1, the public service Swiss TV station. Today...
The Warrior Teenager
Mary Lynne Fernandez in her book The Warrior Teenager courageously addresses at least two major points in our children's young lives that...
Passionflower (Passifloraceae) is a perennial creeping vine, native to the tropical and semi-tropical Americas from a family with over...