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The Bioregulatory Medicine Institute (BRMI) was founded in 2017 as a noncommercial institute to increase public knowledge and integration of bioregulatory medicine as a wholistic, evidence-based medical system. We are a 501c3 private foundation that operates as a global, non-political, noncommercial and trusted source of unbiased, unfiltered, verified information.


Searching for reliable information is easier and more complex than ever. Artificial Intelligence (AI), as a product of their programming and training data, can perpetuate and amplify existing biases. Therefore, we aggregate information predominately from primary sources such as books, peer-reviewed articles, and historical records.

About BRMI - Bioregulatory Medicine Institute
A Matrix of Interconnectedness

Bioregulatory medicine is wholistic in that it views the body as a living system - and a matrix of interconnectedness - physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Bioregulatory medicine involves individualized methods of healing for which, in all procedures of diagnosis and therapy, the highest guiding principle is the maintenance and furtherance of the human biosystem. Thus, the goal of bioregulatory medicine is to support - or restore - that self-regulating state of wellbeing and self-healing. To achieve this goal, bioregulatory medicine is committed to fostering balance and harmony between the individual’s internal environment, or milieu, and the outer environment.

Mind, body, and Spirit

Bioregulatory medicine promotes disease prevention and intervention of illness through non-toxic approaches, that do not interfere with important bioregulatory biological processes. It emphasizes a partnership between patient and practitioner, as this relationship is paramount during the complex healing process, and includes intensive patient participation through education and self-care, including lifestyle and dietary improvements, as well as a psycho-spiritual focus. Through, acknowledging the powerful psychoemotional component in health and disease, bioregulatory medicine incorporates mind-body dynamics and explores how psychology affects our biology.

mind, body, spirit.jpg
Ancient Traditional Medicine and Cutting-Edge Technologies
Bioregulatory medicine - mind body spirit

Bioregulatory medicine looks back to the proven and effective “ancient traditional” medical systems, as well as forward to the most innovative, cutting-edge technologies being advanced today. It employs the use of non-invasive diagnostic aids that detect not only structural imbalances, but also functional, regulatory, energetic, psycho-emotional and environmental conditions

Bioregulatory principles - diagnostic philosophy - therapeutic modalities
Welcome to Our Open-Source, Non-Commercial Database

It is with great respect for evidence-based knowledge that the Bioregulatory Medicine Institute seeks to offer innovative and proven solutions to our modern problems. To achieve this endeavor, BRMI has created an open-source, searchable, and ever-growing database on all subjects associated with bioregulatory medicine. This database includes basis tenets, principles of practice, history and biographies of important contributors, a wide selective description of diagnostic and therapeutic practices, videos from around the globe, hundreds of evidence-based articles on varied health-related subjects, current news, and a pathfinder to sister organizations. BRMI also hosts conferences and webinars to introduce participants to the fundamental principles, diagnostics, and therapeutics of bioregulatory medicine. 


global network of bioregulatory medicine practitioners

In addition to its extensive website and multimedia archive, BRMI seeks to provide a global network for practitioners,

researchers, clinics, and organizations to share information of their ongoing research and best diagnostic and therapeutic practices. To organize and further facilitate this network BRMI publishes a free bimonthly e-Journal, training modules, and books, and maintains a social media presence with Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram.

Providing a Global Network for Practitioners, Researchers, Clinics, and Organizations
Join Our Tribe
BRMI community

To further bioregulatory medicine through the science of self-healing, we invite you to our movement to reclaim our health through knowledge, connection, and sharing of information. We hope you will join our tribe!


Dr James Odell ND - OMD - L. Ac. - bioregulatory medicine director

Dr. James Odell, ND, OMD, L.Ac. is the Executive Director of BRMI.
Click below to read more about James and the rest of our international Board of Advisors.


The mission of BRMI

Comprised of an amazing array of practitioners from around the globe, our Board of Advisors is a truly inspiring - and ever-expanding - group.


Click on a photo to read more about what each has achieved individually.


And now just think about what we can accomplish together.

THE CONTENT ON THIS SITE IS PRESENTED IN SUMMARY FORM, IS GENERAL IN NATURE, AND IS PROVIDED FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY; IT IS NOT ADVICE, NOR SHOULD IT BE TREATED AS SUCH. If you have any healthcare-related concerns, please call or see your physician or other qualified healthcare provider. This site is NOT intended to be a substitute for a healthcare provider’s consultation: NEVER DISREGARD MEDICAL ADVICE OR DELAY IN SEEKING IT BECAUSE OF SOMETHING YOU HAVE SEEN ON THIS SITE. We make no representations, nor any warranties, nor assume any liability for the content herein; nor do we endorse any particular product, provider, or service.

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© 2017-2025 Dr. James Odell, ND, OMD, L.Ac. 

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